Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

Antimicrobial Use Data Collection and Reporting – Part 2

January 11, 2021 AABP

This episode is the second in a series of Have You Herd? podcasts discussing the publication in Zoonoses and Public Health published in November 2020. We are joined by lead author, Dr. Nora Schrag, along with co-authors Dr. Mike Apley and Dr. Sandra Godden. We continue to discuss the antimicrobial use quantification in dairy cows and dive deeper into the descriptions of the Standard Regimens as well as the metrics used. We discuss the three use categories described in the paper which are clinical mastitis, dry cow therapy, and other treatment. The authors discuss the differences in reporting use by regimens/cow year and grams/cow year. We also discuss non-disease factors that influence use measures. Veterinarians can play a key role on farms by identifying and describing cases, treatment protocols, and evaluating antimicrobial stewardship on their client’s farms. 

You can find the publication at this link.