Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

A Conversation with AABP President Dr. Carie Telgen


Dr. Carie Telgen is the fourth female president of AABP, the youngest AABP president and the first Amstutz Scholarship winner to become president of AABP. After listening to this podcast, this will likely not surprise you because Dr. Telgen is an energetic, thoughtful, and passionate advocate for AABP. She describes growing up on a dairy farm and always has wanted to be a cattle veterinarian, other than a brief interest in pathology when the family dog died! Dr. Telgen talks about how she become involved with AABP in the Membership Committee and task force, being elected to serve in District 1 as the board member and then being elected to Vice President in 2018. She wants to encourage younger members, and particularly women members, to become involved with AABP. She discusses some of the challenges she has faced during her career, including mental health struggles and how she found online therapy useful. We discuss sharing our struggles on the Humans of AABP Facebook page so that we can support one another and normalize the conversation around mental health to encourage those of us who are struggling to reach out for help. If you have a story to share, you can email it to fred@aabp.org or ehbrock27@gmail.com. Your story can be shared anonymously. Dr. Telgen discusses the challenges AABP has faced in the past year and also the new initiatives the organization has supported during her service on the Executive Committee. Finally, she asks that all cattle veterinarians join AABP to support our work, increase our ability to provide member resources, and improve our ability to advocated on behalf of the entire bovine veterinary medical profession. You can join AABP or renew your dues by going to this link