Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

Preconditioning Pays – Capturing Value in Preconditioning Programs

March 22, 2021 AABP

In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Catherine Maguire to discuss beef calf preconditioning programs. Dr. Maguire delivered a presentation at the AABP Recent Graduate Conference in St. Louis on preconditioning. Goals for preconditioning programs include increasing the value of calves marketed, decrease the incidence of disease, and enhance the producer’s reputation over time. Veterinarians can play a key role working with their producers in assisting them with verified health programs, age and source verification, and dehorning. Dr. Maguire reminds us that vaccination is what we do on our end and immunization is what the calf does on his end. We can enhance immunization by ensuring an appropriate preconditioning program. A major focus of these programs involves adequate nutrition. Dr. Maguire offers a great practice tip by suggesting veterinarians have producer meetings to discuss preconditioning topics such as appropriate nutrition, vaccine administration and handling, decrease stress at weaning, low stress cattle handling, and the overall benefits of preconditioning programs. Preconditioning programs can improve cattle health and welfare and veterinarians play a key role in ensuring their success by working with their producers.