Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

Beef Cattle Backgrounding Systems

April 19, 2021 AABP

In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Bart Lardner from the University of Saskatchewan to discuss cattle backgrounding programs. Backgrounding is the time period from weaning the calf until they are sold for finishing in a feedyard. Backgrounding programs allow the animal to grow out slowly to build frame so that they can then be finished on the concentrate diet at the next production stage. Calves on these programs are fed a high forage:concentrate diet. Dr. Lardner suggests evaluating the feedstuffs that are available and then also consider feeding byproduct feeds such as dried distillers grains to ensure appropriate nutrient composition of the diet. Veterinarians should work with producers to determine the target rate of gain and evaluate the economic return of these programs to the producer. He also discusses breed influences on selection of a program and how weather or environment can interrupt a program. Veterinarians should be involved with developing appropriate vaccination and parasite control programs for calves and discuss the value of implants and other performance enhancing technologies to increase the economic return for the producer. Calves in backgrounding programs can have improved health and production once they arrive on the feedlot and Dr. Lardner encourages producers to appropriately market these calves to feedyards.  

Relevant publications:

Kumar R, Lardner HA, McKinnon JJ, Christensen DA, Damiran D and Larson K.  2012.  Comparison of alternative backgrounding systems on beef calf performance, feedlot finishing performance, carcass traits and system cost of gain.  Professional Animal Scientist.  28:541-551.

Kelln BM, Lardner HA, Schoenau JJ and King T.  2012.  Effects of beef cow winter feeding systems, pen manure and compost on soil nitrogen and phosphorous amounts and distribution, soil density and crop biomass.  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.  92:183-194.

Jungnitsch PF, Schoenau JJ, Lardner HA, Jefferson PG. 2011. Winter feeding beef cattle on the western Canadian prairies: Impacts on soil nitrogen and phosphorus cycling and forage growth. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 141: 143-152.