Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

Practice Tips for Short Statured Veterinarians


AABP Executive Director Dr. Fred Gingrich is joined by three AABP members who are smaller-statured and in bovine practice. Our first guest is Dr. Elizabeth Homerosky from Airdrie, Alberta, Canada who is a beef cattle veterinarian. Next, we are joined by Dr. Jon Higgins from Belle Mead, N.J. and is a cattle and small ruminant veterinarian. Our last guest is Dr. Lynne Acebey from Winslow, Ill. and she is in a mixed animal practice but works primarily with dairy cattle. Our guests provide OB tips, surgical tips and other fun general tips to make our jobs easier working with cattle. We also discuss keeping our shoulders strong and using your team on the farm to assist you when needed. Finally, Gingrich offers some closing thoughts on checking our words that might have a negative impact on a colleague that may not have been intended. Jokes and comments mentioning physical attributes are insensitive and inappropriate. We want to welcome everyone to join AABP and cattle practice, not discourage or ridicule someone due to their size or other physical characteristic.