Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

AABP Vaccine Guidelines for Cattle


In this episode, AABP Executive Director Dr. Fred Gingrich is joined by Dr. Justin Kieffer, former chair of the AABP Committee on Pharmaceutical and Biologic Issues (CPBI). Dr. Kieffer led a team of AABP members in the development of the first bovine vaccination guidelines produced by AABP. We discuss the development of this resource document that is available exclusively to AABP members to assist them in developing vaccine protocols for beef and dairy operations. We discuss how veterinarians can consult with producers in optimizing the immune response to vaccines as well as minimize adverse events and what to do if there is an adverse event. Dr. Kieffer updates us on the implementation of the single tier vaccine labeling in 2015 by USDA APHIS. CPBI developed a list of core vaccines for cattle which includes BVD, IBR, BRSV, PI3 and Clostridial pathogens. The vaccine guidelines discuss each pathogen’s disease considerations, type of vaccines that are available, outbreak mitigation, and vaccine scheduling notes. The document provides this information for all core and risk-based vaccines that can be considered for cattle. Dr. Kieffer states that veterinarians should inform their producers that no vaccine is completely safe, no vaccine is completely effective and no vaccine is always indicated. AABP recommends that producers utilize the expertise of the veterinarian of record to develop and monitor vaccine protocols to improve the health, welfare and productivity of the cattle in their care. We encourage feedback from members on the guideline by emailing fred@aabp.org

If you are a current AABP member, you can view the vaccine guidelines by going to the AABP Committee Resources page and opening the Pharmaceutical and Biologic Issues section. You will find the guideline as a downloadable PDF at the bottom of the CPBI resources page.

 The link for the USDA APHIS veterinary biologics product summaries to view vaccine data for the single-tier labeling claim is located here.

 Practical immunology and beef and dairy vaccine protocols
Chris Chase
2021 AABP Recent Graduate Conference Proceedings

The vaccine guidelines developed by CPBI is an example of AABP providing practical resources for members. If you are not an AABP member and you are working with cattle, we welcome you to join our organization. You can join AABP or renew your dues to become a current member, by going to this link.

 Have a podcast suggestion or feedback? Email  haveyouherd@aabp.org