Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

A Conversation with AABP President Dr. Pat Gorden


AABP Executive Director Dr. Fred Gingrich talks with current AABP President Dr. Pat Gorden today. We learn about when Gorden decided to become a veterinarian, his past private dairy practice experience and his current professional role at Iowa State University. Gorden talks about his early volunteer work on the AABP Milk Quality and Udder Health Committee and Committee on Pharmaceutical and Biologic Issues. He suggests that members contact us if you want to get involved with AABP by telling us about your interests. AABP members can join committees by going to the AABP website and review the committees listed under the committee and task force menus. We review the role of each officer while they rotate through the Executive Committee and the commitment of these volunteers working for our organization. Gorden wants to continue to develop AABP’s broad reach to cattle veterinarians through continuing education, advocacy, mentorship and networking.  

AABP welcomes all cattle veterinarians and veterinary students to join our organization. Find out about AABP member benefits at this link. You can join AABP by going to this page. The American Association of Bovine Practitioners is an international association of veterinarians serving society as leaders in cattle health, welfare, and productivity. We welcome and support any veterinarian or veterinary student, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, sexual orientation or any other demographic, to participate in all opportunities that our organization provides. As leaders in the cattle industry, we encourage all veterinarians with an interest in cattle to join us and participate in our organization. 

Do you have a suggestion or feedback for our podcast? Email haveyouherd@aabp.org