Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

AABP Student Externship Grants - Beef Experiences


“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” 
Benjamin Franklin

AABP Executive Director Dr. Fred Gingrich is joined by two student AABP members who received externship grants and visited beef practices in the U.S. and Canada. Hannah Jarvis, a 4th year student at The Ohio State University, and Tatie High, a 2nd year student at The Ohio State University, discuss the importance of this funding for student externships and the experiences they had at AABP member practices. The AABP Foundation provides $40,000 per year for student externship grants to offset the financial barriers of participating in externships. Both Hannah and Tatie discuss where they went on their beef externships and what they learned while they were at those practices. They discuss that externships help them to apply boots on the ground experiences with the educational foundation they have been provided in veterinary school. Both students express that they want hands-on learning at their externships and learning through repetition. Hannah and Katie recommend that students be honest with veterinarians about what they want out of the externship and to confront the uncomfortable and not be afraid to try while on your externship. Tips for veterinarians include being willing to teach and engage students, make use of the “windshield time”, give advice, provide practical tips, and encourage students to try while offering support. 

AABP student members can apply for externships at this link under the Student Menu of the AABP website. AABP encourages members to list their externship opportunities on the AABP website so that students can find opportunities by going to this page

Please support the AABP Foundation which provides externship and education grants as well as clinically relevant cattle research and welfare grants. If you would like to restrict your donation to externship grants, please contact fred@aabp.org for information. You can donate to the AABP Foundation at this link

 If you have a suggestion for a future podcast, email haveyouherd@aabp.org