Mark's Virkler's How-To for Spirit-Anointed Living Podcast

01 Welcome and Intro to Mark Virkler's Podcast

Mark Virkler

Mark Virkler is the bridge between conservative traditionalists who anchor their Christian life on a solid biblical foundation and those who easily experience the supernatural essence of Christianity, effortlessly seeing and living in the Spirit. If you have a passion to live and walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25), and do not have sufficient understanding of how you can do so, let him help you. Our ministry has been privileged to train over a million people how to hear God's voice, interpret dreams, encounter angels, see visions, and move in the healing power of the Holy Spirit - all from a bedrock of undiluted affirmation of the Scriptures.

Experience daily talks with God in the cool of the day and usher in spiritual transformation and reformation.

Mark Virkler’s Website – Communion With God – all 50 books and training materials are available here

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Christian Leadership University – Online degrees up through the doctoral level

CLU School of the Spirit – 20+ electronic downloadable training modules

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice - Free Video Training

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