Mark's Virkler's How-To for Spirit-Anointed Living Podcast

08 Can Non-Christians Receive God's Creative Flow?

Mark Virkler

I first became aware of the concept of flow in 1979. I was reading a book about the mind and there was a research article on “The Flow Experience.” Science had discovered that when people are in flow, they are more creative, more insightful and more effective than when in their normal state.

I pondered that and said, “That is sure true in my life.”

So I looked for flow in the Bible and discovered that a river flows from the throne room of God out through our innermost beings (Rev. 22:1; Jn. 7:37-39). This river is the Spirit of God which releases God’s grace into our lives.

I have written extensively on how Christians can release God's creativity. However it sure appears that non-Christians can and do get creative ideas also. So what’s that about? Does God’s spirit, wisdom, counsel and creativity work for non-Christians or is it reserved for Christians only?

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