Mark's Virkler's How-To for Spirit-Anointed Living Podcast

19 A Banner for Jesus - An Expression Of Divine Creativity By Linda Burton

May 19, 2020 Mark Virkler

The Holy Spirit releases creativity within all of us all the time. Most often it will be in the area we are asking Him about. Many brilliant inventions came this way, as have wonderful solutions to problems, and beautiful music and artistry. Below Linda Burton shares one example of such creativity. May it inspire us all to seek the Spirit for His constant creative flow out through our lives.


  1. Blog of this episode
  2. Biblical Gift Mix Profile
  3. 10 page overview of How to Build a Winning Team
  4. God HAS Filled You With The Spirit To Succeed In The Home And Marketplace
  5. Release Divine Creativity - King David Journaled Out the Design for Solomon's Temple!
  6. Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams Package

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