Mark's Virkler's How-To for Spirit-Anointed Living Podcast

32 Inner Healing Methods by Dr. Mark Virkler and Dr. Karl Lehman

Mark Virkler

It is an honor to do a podcast with Dr. Karl Lehman on the topic of various inner healing methods. Dr. Karl has been involved in inner healing for more than 35 years, as have I. He has come at it through the lens of brain science and hearing God’s voice, and I have come at it through the lens of a Charismatic theologian. We have arrived at very similar methodologies; my guess is probably a 95% or greater overlap in the way we minister to the wounded heart. Enjoy our 60-minute discussion below.
Prayers That Heal The Heart
4 Keys To Hearing God’s Voice
Outsmarting Yourself
The Immanuel Approach

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