The Investor Mel & Dave Show

From Renting to Owning 20 Units in Less Than 4 Months with No Money and No Joint Venture Partner!

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Investor Mel & Dave Real Deals Show! In this episode, we are speaking with Sarah Lagrosa and she will be sharing how she bought 20 rental units in less than four months!

Sarah has been an emergency nurse for seven years and her husband Jose is an engineer. When the pandemic started, her husband realized he was no longer motivated to work a 9-5 job and decided he needed a change. Although it came as a shock to Sarah, she supported his decision and his attempt to start online businesses and investing in stocks.

Although that was going well, Sarah knew she wanted a more steady income source. She had been following us for a while and decided it was time to invest in real estate. They booked a call with our team, took action and joined our Action Family Mentoring Program.

Within 4 months of joining the Action Family, they purchased 20 rental units! How incredible is that!? The properties are a combination of residential, commercial, and multifamily. And the best part? They bought them using 100% Other People’s Money (OPM) and NO joint venture partners. One of the properties was in the process of getting refinanced at the time this episode was recorded, and the others should be next. They were able to raise $700K by the end of the acquisition!

Her advice? 👉 “I’m very big on education, I’m very big on mindset. Every time people ask me ‘what’s your advice?’... Well, get educated. Get educated and sharpen your mindset. If you have those two, you can think as big as you want, and you can acquire as many doors as you want!  It’s how you approach it, it’s how you do it.”

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🏡 And if you’re interested in fast-forwarding your real estate growth, join our Action Family™ Mentoring Program and learn all the secrets of real estate investing. 💸 Learn more about my mentoring program by booking a call with one of our Wealth Advisors.
If you want to learn about Real Estate Investing using none of your own money, you can check out our completely free Masterclass on Real Estate Investing with creative financing here. We show you how we purchased 12 multi-family properties in less than 12 months (56 units)... WITH NO MONEY DOWN AND NO JOINT VENTURE PARTNERS so you can too! 💰 

I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Investor Mel & Dave – Real Deals Show!