The Investor Mel & Dave Show

How To Buy Your First Property With a Vendor Take Back! NO Money Down and No Joint Venture Partners!

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Investor Mel – Women of Action show! In this episode, I am speaking with Mimie Tuastomban.

Mimie joined our Action Family™ in February 2021. She has a sales background and was self-employed: she owned and managed her own sales and distribution company for 10 years! But when the pandemic hit in 2020, her business had a nosedive due to the lockdown. As she said: ”The pandemic was a wake-up call that I needed to find something new”, so she started looking for income alternatives.

During those lockdown days, she found us online and she became instantly interested and decided to join our Action Family Mentoring Program. A month later, she finished the course and was ready to take Action! In October 2021, she purchased her first property with 100% seller financing. “I got it for 100% nothing, zero, zero!!!!” She only paid $2500 including all fees!! Can you believe that!? So amazing!   
She also talks about the deals she found when she started and the setbacks presented. She says that the main thing when you start in Real Estate Investing is getting to know how to properly analyze deals and of course, doing your due diligence.

What’s next for Mimie? Her dream is to acquire total financial freedom for herself and her family. In order to do so, she has built her company and her team as she wants to keep growing her portfolio! 

Her advice to the people who want to get started? 👉 “Do not fear! Fear holds people back, whether you have money or not!” Remember: Once you start, it only gets easier and easier!

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🏡 And if you’re interested in building your portfolio or fast-forwarding your real estate growth, join our Action Family™ Mentoring Program and learn all the secrets of real estate investing. 💸These include how to buy properties with other people’s money, how to buy properties with no joint venture partners and other tricks to turn you into a real estate mogul. Learn more about my mentoring program by booking a call with one of our Wealth Advisors.
I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Investor Mel - Women of Action show! Do you want to be a woman of action? Take the first step by booking a one-on-one call to discuss our mentoring program!