The Investor Mel & Dave Show

First Generation Canadian Creating Wealth for Her Family - Women of Action

β€’ Mel & Dave Dupuis

Living My Best Life!  Join Mel this week as she speaks with Noelyn Selvanayagam. A first-generation Canadian creating generational wealth for her family! 

"My name is Noelyn Selvanayagam, I am the N in JN Estates, a real estate company that my partner in life and I own. We started our real estate journey in March 2020 with a purchase of a single-family home in Windsor.

Since joining the Action Family in late August 2020, my husband and I have added 3 more properties to our portfolio - 2 multi-families in New Brunswick and another single-family home in Windsor.

Our WHY is generational wealth. We are both first-generation Canadian, and children of immigrant parents. Our families both escaped war-torn countries to build a life of peace and stability for their families. We want to continue that legacy by using real estate as a means to build that generational wealth, including one our current generation can enjoy. We have scaled our portfolio very quickly over the last 3 months, and more importantly, continue to take daily actionable steps to achieve our big goals and dreams.

As a woman of colour, I am hoping that by sharing the wins, losses and everything in between, I can inspire other people of colour that this too can be achievable for them too despite the systemic barriers. Our current goals are to stabilize our portfolio over the next couple of months as we look ahead to replacing one of our incomes completely in the near future.
 I am a high school math teacher by trade, so teaching and numbers have always been in my toolkit. Using my teaching skills, I am able to communicate the strategies I have learned (and continue to learn) from the Action Family with other real estate investors too. Hopefully, this conversation and networking can continue on the podcast!"


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