The Investor Mel & Dave Show
Real estate investing Top Canadian Investors, Investor Mel & Dave share tips, strategies, and action steps to becoming a successful Real Estate Investor. They focus on no money down strategies and no joint venture partners. They have an impressive portfolio of 240+ properties that they solely own which enabled them to quit their jobs in their 30s. Tune in weekly to start creating your own time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom through real estate investing.
The Investor Mel & Dave Show
10 properties/30 units using OPM (Other People’s Money) - The Real Deals Show
Hello, and welcome to the Real Deals Show! In this episode, Mel and I will be chatting with Jason. He started his professional career working several "golden handcuff" jobs in Canada for over 20 years including consulting, banking and several startups and began investing in Real Estate 6 years ago as a means to "break free" from the 9 to 5 and to have time to start his family. 💸 So he started saving up a lot of money but he didn’t know what to look for and he ended up stuck with a property that wasn’t generating any cash flow. 😟 After a couple of years, he decided to sell that property, and take different action, taking in mind that every bad situation is an opportunity to learn. Later on, he found us and decided to join our Action Family™ Mentoring Program in September 2022. Finally, with the community's support, Jason was able to acquire 10 properties (30 units) in only 6 months! 🙌That’s amazing Jason, a real Action Taker! The best part is that most of these properties were purchased with 100% OPM, contacting private investors within the Action Family™! 🤯 That’s incredible! We love hearing how our mentees help each other!
👉 His advice to the people starting: Remember: You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, so keep shooting! 🤩 That’s excellent advice, Jason!
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🏡 And if you’re interested in fast-forwarding your real estate growth, join our Action Family™ Mentoring Program and learn all the secrets of real estate investing. 💸These include how to buy properties with other people’s money, how to buy properties with no joint venture partners and other tricks to turn you into a real estate mogul. Learn more about my mentoring program by booking a call with one of our Wealth Advisors.
If you want to learn about Real Estate Investing using none of your own money, you can check out our completely free Masterclass on Real Estate Investing with creative financing here. We show you how we purchased 12 multi-family properties in less than 12 months (56 units)... WITH NO MONEY DOWN AND NO JOINT VENTURE PARTNERS so you can too! We purchased over 240 units in Canada, the US, Mexico, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica. 💰 With our strategies… we keep 100% of the cash flow, appreciation, and equity! That’s how you create true generational wealth.
I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Real Deals Show!
Thanks for stopping by! If you have any investing questions or want me to cover a specific topic, reach out on any of our social media! Chat soon!