Escaping the Healthcare Prison

The Healthcare Consumer: Scary Healthcare Stories

Gary Prala Season 1 Episode 2

Scary Movies and Scary Healthcare…They Seem to Fit Together…The Problem is, Healthcare is REAL!!!!!

Many healthcare consumers have horror stories to tell about their experiences when they have ventured into the healthcare maze/prison.  I know, we have spoken to many consumers.  Scary Stories usually start when consumers lack information and don’t ask enough questions. Healthcare Consumer Navigator Center is design to help the consumer reduce healthcare horror stories. 
This Podcast will answer many questions consumers have and educate consumers to many healthcare myths. Gary Prala, Co-Founder of Healthcare Consumer Navigator Center, will guide you through the maze and offer you advice and solutions.

We offer a service, via our website, to answer questions and assist consumers with problems they are experiencing.  The Service  is free!!! And All Information on the Website is Free!!

To find out more about our team, healthcare information available and our free service, visit us at: