PetAbility Podcast

Check Your Pups For Lumps & Bumps with Patty Ramirez

PetAbility Season 4 Episode 19

Patty Ramirez is not your average pet owner. Patty took something potentially devastating and turned it into something positive. She lost her dog, Gideon, to lymphoma. Then she adopted Zeke, an anxious, deaf Boxer, who helped Patty not only learn the importance of checking her pups for lumps and bumps when she found a mast cell tumor on him, but also to pay it forward with a public campaign to remind other pet parents to do the same. Patty's goal is to save lives. Now after you listen to this show (or watch it on YouTube) go check your own pet's lumps and bumps. It just  might save your own pet's life!

Find Patty on Instagram @ Zeke_and_Zella
To learn more about "Dr. Sue Cancer Vet" go to:
Click here for The National Canine Cancer Foundation 


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