Ibec Podcasts

Budget 2021: Solutions for a K-Shaped Recovery

September 18, 2020 Ibec Season 1 Episode 5

As a country, as a society, as an economy, we’ve always risen to a challenge. The devastation COVID-19 has dealt the world will test Ireland in a way we have never experienced before.

Meeting this challenge will take big ideas, brave thinking and a bold approach – all of which Ibec has brought to bear in our campaign for Budget 2021.

In this episode of Ibec Voices, Ibec’s Fergal O’Brien and Gerard Brady outline the campaign’s key calls to action.

We also hear from Colin Hunt, CEO of AIB and Chair of Ibec’s Economics and Taxation Policy Committee, on the current economic landscape, the future of work and why sustainability and business success can go hand-in-hand. 

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