E36: The Difference between a stuck person and a strong person
The Purpose Mastermind Podcast with Mark Delaney
The Purpose Mastermind Podcast with Mark Delaney
E36: The Difference between a stuck person and a strong person
Apr 06, 2021
Mark Delaney

One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was this: "If you ever feel like your whole life is a mess, and you don't know where to start, start with the natural. Go to the gym and workout. Or go for a run." I found that doing something in the natural helped my mind and my spirit as well. 

In this episode I talked about 3 differences between people that are stuck and people that are strong. Stuck people are isolated, while strong people have the accountability of community. 

  1.  Stuck people are isolated, while strong people have the accountability of community. 
  2. Stuck people must know the results of their actions before taking action. Strong people understand that they can't know the end result, but they can boldly do their part. 
  3. Stuck people are not moving. Strong people simply keep taking their next step. 

If you are in need of community, I want you to know about our community option. I'll place the link below, but with this community you have access to all of our video courses as well as a monthly live call on zoom for Q/A with me and other members of the community.  https://www.mylifeplatform.com/memberships

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