E39: Do my kids have a chance at sexual purity?
The Purpose Mastermind Podcast with Mark Delaney
The Purpose Mastermind Podcast with Mark Delaney
E39: Do my kids have a chance at sexual purity?
Apr 26, 2021
Mark Delaney

The topic of sexuality for parents is a difficult one for sure. 

  1. Some parents feel helpless and powerless. We might even just give up on trying, but that doesn't work. 
  2. Other parents decide that they will make sure nothing bad happens that takes away from their child's sexual purity. But we simply cannot control everything that could possibly go wrong. Even if we could, how do we control what happens inside of their own imagination? 

There is hope for the parent. We can have a powerful impact on our kids in this area of their life. To be the person that impacts our kids in the area of sexuality. We simply must be the people that have honestly faced this area in our own life. 

If you are struggling to work through an issue in your marriage, you can know that it is ok that you have a struggle. Realize that inside of that struggle is a great opportunity. If you need help overcoming, that is why we offer The Purpose Mastermind for couples. Go to  https://purposemastermind.com/ and set up a call with us. 

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