Vinyl Ventures

Vinyl Ventures #43-The Beatles and the Album

John Wheeler & Jason Rich Season 3 Episode 14

For over a year, the guys have wanted to sit with Keith Toombs for a Beatles-themed show.  Well, it's here!
In this episode, Keith discusses the origins of the album (as opposed to singles) and just how much at the forefront of the album the Beatles were.  They broke ground in countless ways, and were one of the first bands to consider the album an art form.  If that weren't enough, they were also one of the first groups to experiment within the art form to introduce the world to the Concept Album.  
The world owes a lot of the way we all think of an album to the Fab Four.  
So sit back, relax, have a spot of tea and enjoy this fantastic journey through the history of the Beatles and the album.