Vinyl Ventures

Vinyl Ventures #49 - Greatest Greatest Hits

May 02, 2023 John Wheeler & Jason Rich Season 4 Episode 5

Greatest hits albums are sometimes snubbed by the vinyl community.  Often these collections are a cash grab by record companies, and artists can be left out of the decision  making process.  Occasionally an artist sees their sales, presence and notoriety grow from Greatest Hits releases.  It’s a mixed bag across the industry for sure.  For the Vinyl Ventures crew, when to buy a Greatest Hits album versus albums in an artist’s catalog comes down to how they feel about the group. 
Some albums are essential, even if it is an artist that doesn't fully resonate with a listener. Picking which ones to buy Best-Ofs from and and which ones to do a deep catalog dive into is in the ears of the beholder. On this episode the guys recommend some of their favorite Greatest Hits Collections.

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