Light 'Em Up

"The Truth Is What Happened." Deep insights from an expert countermeasure and polygraph examiner: Gil Witte

Phillip Rizzo Season 2 Episode 12

We’ve g-r-o-w-n!  We’ve e-x-p-a-n-d-e-d our global footprint to the country of Macedonia! 

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Thank you so much for your tremendous support! 

Our focus was on the polygraph examination.  We wanted to take two expert polygraph examiners and ask them many similar questions and see if we got similar responses.

Collectively, we were blown away by the extent of expertise from our special guest who was specifically recommended and referred to us.

On this fact-packed, smokin’ hot episode of Light ‘Em Up we drill to the core about all things polygraph. 

Today we have the high privilege of speaking with our special guest, polygraph expert Mr. Guillermo “Gil” Witte.  Gil’s priority is to get to the truth with every exam.
Gil has been a polygraph instructor at the Academy of Polygraph Science and other APA accredited schools. He received his education at the Florida International University, where he obtained a B.A. in Psychology. 

He also has published articles in The Police Polygraphist (newsletter of the American Association of Police Polygraphists) and the APA Magazine.

Mr. Witte holds memberships in the following organizations:

• American Polygraph Association
• American Association of Police Polygraphists
• The Association of Polygraph Examiners (California and Alabama)

On this exclusive episode we examine: 

● The nuts and bolts of a polygraph exam, also known as a PDD exam (Psycho-Physiological Detection of Deception Exam).  As Gil states, “There is a lot to the polygraph process, from the interview, the testing, analysis and revelation of results, truth is what happened, not a perception of it”. 

● The electrodermal response is a very important response in the polygraph exam --- (typically sensors that go on the palm of the hands or the fingertips).

● How a lay person knows if they are being examined by a properly trained and competent forensic psycho-physiology expert.

● We define and examine what a “false positive” is and how that term applies to polygraph security and pre-employment screening.

● We define a “false negative” and the implications of such.

● In laymen’s terms, we discuss the admissibility of polygraph test results in U.S. courts and we discuss the Frye Standard, which we get from the case Frye v The United States.

● Is there an error rate to the examination, if yes, what are those percentages?
I doubt after listening to Gil you’ll ever have another question about the polygraph exam.  Gil shares his decades of expertise from the beginning to the end of this impacting episode!   

Human resource professionals or job seekers, if you are required to administer or to take a polygraph exam as a requirement of pre-employment screening, THIS is the resource episode for you! 

Any story is true until you hear both sides of the story.  The crucible of cross-examination ferrets out the truth.   As we customarily say on our podcast, “the truth disturbs, the truth divides, but ultimately the truth delivers”. 

Please share this podcast with a friend or a family member that you think may like it.  We are here for you and because of you! 

I hope you find this episode to be enlightening, educational and empowering! 

Knowledge isn’t power unless you do something specifically with that knowledge that empowers you! 


Phil Rizzo 
Executive Producer

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