Screen Tea Podcast

Episode 21: Pariah

Screen Tea Podcast Episode 21

Welcome to Screen Tea Podcast! 

*Disclaimer/Trigger Warning: The word ‘queer’ is used frequently in this episode and is used as a term of identification and orientation, both in the context of discussing the film and because both of your podcasters identify as big ole queers. The term ‘dyke’ is used multiple times in this episode in context of the film. The term is used in the film both as a slur and as a term of identification and orientation. 

You're also in a space where Black Lives Matter, so if you don't share that sentiment, you're gonna have a bad time (what the fuck are you doing here anyway?). This episode in particular celebrates Black queer artists and the Black queer experience in general.

Join Lisha and Juliet as they review the baby budget/huge impact indie film, 2011’s Pariah! Put on the kettle or pop a piece of Big Red gum and join the gals as they worship the ground that Adepero Oduye walks on, listen to Juliet as she sings praises to Bradford Young and his wicked light sorcery, and get ready for yet another psychological character study thesis from Lisha (c'mon, you know you love it). It's Pride month, y'all, so get ready also for a Reel Question and discussion about meaningful LGBTQ films and television (of which Lisha and Jules have MANY to discuss...shocker, right?). SO. Strap in (on? Alike, girl, no, Laura, what did you do), grab your drink of choice, and get sippin'!
 Sources for information gathered for this episode were:,, and also the DVD extras of the film itself.

The TED talk that Lisha couldn't for the life of her remember (even though it's amazing) is by Ash Beckham and can be found here:

 Find us on Facebook at, hit us up on Twitter @screenteapod, shoot us an e-mail at, and check out our website at!

Happy listening!

Please go check out, an independent nonprofit news organization based in Three Rivers, Michigan. Watershed Voice, on top of being a new and much needed strong journalistic presence, has also decided to feature Screen Tea Podcast on their digital news site! Support them with a subscription, by sharing their page on social media, and with good old fashioned word of mouth.

(Excellent podcast logo commissioned from the talented Mel. Find Mel on Instagram @javadoodler, website, or on Facebook at
Our incredible intro music was composed by Detroit musician Sasha Kashperko!)