Screen Tea Podcast

Episode 31: Taxi Driver

Screen Tea Podcast Episode 31

Welcome to Screen Tea Podcast! Order up a Coke (unless all you got is a Royal Crown Cola), hop in the back of our cab and crank up the speakers because this week, we're coming at you with a down 'n dirty classic: 1976's Taxi Driver, directed by none other than the legend himself, Martin Scorsese! Lend us your ears as Lisha hate/love/hates on the film's protagonist villain, Travis (but just straight up loves on Robert DeNiro), Juliet spouts off about wanting to punch everyone except for sweet baby angel Iris and the DP, and the girls play a rousing game of red light, green light. It's another gritty, hard watch this week, folks, so pour yourself some peach schnapps (or, you know, a standard cuppa will do!) and don't forget to tip your cabby (let's be real; your Uber driver). 

Sources for information gathered for this episode were:,,,,, and

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Happy listening!

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(Excellent podcast logo commissioned from the talented Mel. Find Mel on Instagram @javadoodler, website, or on Facebook at
Our incredible intro music was composed by Detroit musician Sasha Kashperko!)