Lawyer Greg

Seminar success growing your elder law practice with elder law attorney Greg McIntyre

September 02, 2019 Greg McIntyre
Seminar success growing your elder law practice with elder law attorney Greg McIntyre
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Seminar success growing your elder law practice with elder law attorney Greg McIntyre
Sep 02, 2019
Greg McIntyre

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Greg McIntyre of McIntyre Elder Law and Jim Blake of Bambiz Marketing talk about:

* Starting an elder law practice.

* How to overcome obstacles you will face as your practice grows.

* The value hosting educational seminars / workshops brings your community & your practice.

* How to make the most out of the seminars you host.

* The value of being "real" and relating to your clients on a personal level. 

* What is a 'RockStar Lawyer'? How can you become one?

Partial Transcript:

- All right, welcome back to another one of our Expert Interview sessions with Bambiz. Today we've got Greg McIntyre of McIntyre Elder Law. He's got a couple of different locations in the Charlotte, North Carolina area. Welcome to the Expert Interview, Greg.

- Charlotte metro area, I'm metro, let's go. Thanks, man, I appreciate that.

- Awesome. Well, give us a little bit of an overview of your practice.

- I'm an Elder Law attorney with McIntyre Elder Law and I'm one of our attorneys. Our practice has multiple offices in the Charlotte metro area and we're very big into elder counsel, love elder counsel. I'm a huge believer in systems and processes and being able to provide next level services. What does that mean? I mean really great services, fix any problems, provide great Estate Planning and Elder Law services to our clients in a timely manner. Companies like Krause Financial, Elder Counsel, Bambiz Marketing help us put in place systems because I'm one guy. I am one person with like, maybe, so much time at work. I was going to say eight hours in a day but that's a joke. With 12-13 hours in a workday, no, with 24 hours a day, right, and I've got sleep eight of them, spending a little, some time with my family, and not feel too guilty that I'm neglecting my kids, my wife, too much. Then it goes back and forth. Or not feel guilty that I'm neglecting my practice too much. So that's always the juggle and the struggle but with our Elder Law practice, we have, Elder Law to me, we have three departments. We have Estate Planning, which I call pre-planning, because with Elder Law, you're always looking at the long-term care piece and that's a big issue. A little different from traditional Estate Planning with someone in their 30s, early 40s, with two kids. That's the easy stuff. Then there's probate, which is when someone passes away. It's probably our busiest department, even though we tell people how to avoid probate all the time they don't listen. So we continue to service them and we want to do that, provide great services there when they're in need. We also do probate litigation in that department and guardianships in that department. I like to get in court and do those things, our attorneys do, we have attorneys who go to court and do those. Then we have Medicaid crisis planning and veterans benefits planning, which is a really, really, I think that's where we have the most fun, which is planning to save assets that maybe other attorneys and street lawyers they talk to, their friends tell them, social workers tell them, you just have to spend every dime that you've ever earned down on care. There's many, many other ways to go with it. I thoroughly enjoy what I do, I love it, it's my passion and I hope it shows.

- Yeah. Well, one of the things that I remember you telling me, we actually met together at one of, a business growth conference at the beginning of the year and you were kind of telling me your story about how you kind of got into practicing law. If you could, just briefly kind of give us the short version of that because it's a pretty good story.

- Yeah, so, I mean, it's the cheesiest story ever, man. I mean, literally...
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Show Notes

For the entire transcript visit: 

Greg McIntyre of McIntyre Elder Law and Jim Blake of Bambiz Marketing talk about:

* Starting an elder law practice.

* How to overcome obstacles you will face as your practice grows.

* The value hosting educational seminars / workshops brings your community & your practice.

* How to make the most out of the seminars you host.

* The value of being "real" and relating to your clients on a personal level. 

* What is a 'RockStar Lawyer'? How can you become one?

Partial Transcript:

- All right, welcome back to another one of our Expert Interview sessions with Bambiz. Today we've got Greg McIntyre of McIntyre Elder Law. He's got a couple of different locations in the Charlotte, North Carolina area. Welcome to the Expert Interview, Greg.

- Charlotte metro area, I'm metro, let's go. Thanks, man, I appreciate that.

- Awesome. Well, give us a little bit of an overview of your practice.

- I'm an Elder Law attorney with McIntyre Elder Law and I'm one of our attorneys. Our practice has multiple offices in the Charlotte metro area and we're very big into elder counsel, love elder counsel. I'm a huge believer in systems and processes and being able to provide next level services. What does that mean? I mean really great services, fix any problems, provide great Estate Planning and Elder Law services to our clients in a timely manner. Companies like Krause Financial, Elder Counsel, Bambiz Marketing help us put in place systems because I'm one guy. I am one person with like, maybe, so much time at work. I was going to say eight hours in a day but that's a joke. With 12-13 hours in a workday, no, with 24 hours a day, right, and I've got sleep eight of them, spending a little, some time with my family, and not feel too guilty that I'm neglecting my kids, my wife, too much. Then it goes back and forth. Or not feel guilty that I'm neglecting my practice too much. So that's always the juggle and the struggle but with our Elder Law practice, we have, Elder Law to me, we have three departments. We have Estate Planning, which I call pre-planning, because with Elder Law, you're always looking at the long-term care piece and that's a big issue. A little different from traditional Estate Planning with someone in their 30s, early 40s, with two kids. That's the easy stuff. Then there's probate, which is when someone passes away. It's probably our busiest department, even though we tell people how to avoid probate all the time they don't listen. So we continue to service them and we want to do that, provide great services there when they're in need. We also do probate litigation in that department and guardianships in that department. I like to get in court and do those things, our attorneys do, we have attorneys who go to court and do those. Then we have Medicaid crisis planning and veterans benefits planning, which is a really, really, I think that's where we have the most fun, which is planning to save assets that maybe other attorneys and street lawyers they talk to, their friends tell them, social workers tell them, you just have to spend every dime that you've ever earned down on care. There's many, many other ways to go with it. I thoroughly enjoy what I do, I love it, it's my passion and I hope it shows.

- Yeah. Well, one of the things that I remember you telling me, we actually met together at one of, a business growth conference at the beginning of the year and you were kind of telling me your story about how you kind of got into practicing law. If you could, just briefly kind of give us the short version of that because it's a pretty good story.

- Yeah, so, I mean, it's the cheesiest story ever, man. I mean, literally...
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