Fearless Presentations

129-What Do Presentations, Salsa Dancing and the UFC Have in Common? - Interview with Ivan Ruiz

June 09, 2020

I interview Ivan Ruiz, a public speaking coach in Canada. He quickly turns the tables on me and ends up interviewing me, somehow. If you ever wanted to know what professional public speaking coaches talk about when they are just chatting with each other, here is your chance.

The interview is fun and lighthearted. Ivan tells how he transitions from a government worker in Canada to a professional speaker via Salsa Dancing. (I don't suggest anyone actually take this route, but the story is hilarious.)

The interview took over an hour, so we decided to give you the uncut version. We will finish in part 2 next week. Enjoy.

By the way, Ivan's course and book can be found at

Book: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/387199

Coupon code is EG27G (not case-sensitive). They enter the code prior to completing their checkout.

Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/communication-strategies-virtual-age