Fearless Presentations

How to Find Great Venues to Practice Public Speaking

One of the most common questions that participants in our 2-day presentation class ask us after completing the class is, "Now that I feel more confident, where do I go to practice to continue to get better as a speaker?" In this session, Doug shares a few ways to find speaking venues who are always looking for good speakers, and how to build a solid reputation as a good speaker so your reputation grows.

How to Find Great Venues to Practice Your Presentations

If you are looking for someplace to practice your public speaking skills, Doug has a few suggestions that can both help you improve your skill and become more esteemed by your peers. He starts the podcast by explaining that once you gain new confidence as a speaker, you will actually notice a lot of opportunities to speak that you may have overlooked in the past. He said its like the Yellow Volkswagen theory. You never see these cars on the road until you buy one, but once you do, you see them everywhere. Speaking opportunities are the same way. Once you start looking for them, you will find them EVERYWHERE!

For a list of all of these venues, see the full show notes at

How to Find Great Venues to Practice Public Speaking