Fascinating Women

Lisa Kennedy - Orgasmic Shaman - Healer - Meti - Gentle spirit - Energetic Massage

October 07, 2020 Lisa Kennedy Season 1 Episode 26
Lisa Kennedy - Orgasmic Shaman - Healer - Meti - Gentle spirit - Energetic Massage
Fascinating Women
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Fascinating Women
Lisa Kennedy - Orgasmic Shaman - Healer - Meti - Gentle spirit - Energetic Massage
Oct 07, 2020 Season 1 Episode 26
Lisa Kennedy

Lisa Kennedy - Orgasmic Shaman but she is a lot more. Our conversation went into when she first knew she had these powers, how her parents felt about, and nurtured her power. We explore her insights on the power of guided meditation. 

How getting back to nature stills and heals the soul and spirit. We talk about the lens of failure, how to take a different perspective on it. She is such a calm gentle interview. Lisa explains guided meditation, how to calm yourself. It is an interesting glimpse into the perspective of a shaman. 

In her own words 
Energy medicine helps ! Energetic Massage sacred sexuality healing old traumas

I want to help you get a real useable direction for getting grounded on your path. Advising you on moving forward with confidence and clarity. Using intuition and spiritual practices to get you reconnected to your truth. I offer many modalities to help you on your journey. I am certified in; all levels of reconnection, 111 activation, universal sphere, Akashic records readings, and alchemy of nine dimensions sessions. I also offer angel card readings and Arcturian card readings

You can reach and learn more about Lisa at

Lisa shares some resources
Caroline Myss
Exploring the power of the soul

Dr. Sue Morter
You are more creative than you think - 

How to build energy circuits in your body 

You can reach and learn more about Lisa at

Mark mentioned coaching programs

About Mark Laurie - Host.
Mark has been transforming how women see themselves, enlarging their sense of sexy, expanding their confidence in an exciting adventure that is transformational photography.

Sound Production by:
Lee Ellis  - myofficemedia@gmail.com
Reach out to Lee for your Sound Production

Show Notes Transcript

Lisa Kennedy - Orgasmic Shaman but she is a lot more. Our conversation went into when she first knew she had these powers, how her parents felt about, and nurtured her power. We explore her insights on the power of guided meditation. 

How getting back to nature stills and heals the soul and spirit. We talk about the lens of failure, how to take a different perspective on it. She is such a calm gentle interview. Lisa explains guided meditation, how to calm yourself. It is an interesting glimpse into the perspective of a shaman. 

In her own words 
Energy medicine helps ! Energetic Massage sacred sexuality healing old traumas

I want to help you get a real useable direction for getting grounded on your path. Advising you on moving forward with confidence and clarity. Using intuition and spiritual practices to get you reconnected to your truth. I offer many modalities to help you on your journey. I am certified in; all levels of reconnection, 111 activation, universal sphere, Akashic records readings, and alchemy of nine dimensions sessions. I also offer angel card readings and Arcturian card readings

You can reach and learn more about Lisa at

Lisa shares some resources
Caroline Myss
Exploring the power of the soul

Dr. Sue Morter
You are more creative than you think - 

How to build energy circuits in your body 

You can reach and learn more about Lisa at

Mark mentioned coaching programs

About Mark Laurie - Host.
Mark has been transforming how women see themselves, enlarging their sense of sexy, expanding their confidence in an exciting adventure that is transformational photography.

Sound Production by:
Lee Ellis  - myofficemedia@gmail.com
Reach out to Lee for your Sound Production


You're listening to fascinating women with Mark Laurie. And now, Mark Laurie.

Mark Laurie:

Hello, and welcome back to another episode of fascinating women. This time I have Lisa Kennedy with me. And usually I am behind the camera. And that's where I met Lisa, she is really incredibly, actually fully finished the photoshoot because my arm is a bit sore and tight. I have a nice wonderful massage. And she's unique person that way. So we're going to kind of start out Lisa has a background of how did you describe it again,

Lisa Kennedy:

I would define myself now with my work as a sexual Shannon.

Mark Laurie:

And it's just as you describe it, what is is pretty fascinating. So we're gonna dip into what that is, because I'm sure you'll want to know, it's really, really cool. But we'll also get into how she arrived at that. So let's first talk a bit about what is a sexual shaman.

Lisa Kennedy:

So shamanism is this is working with the elements and to bring out healing holistically in a whole, like taking into account the person's past, possibly their future, where they are at the present, what wounds they might be carrying, and how we can use the natural elements around us to heal. So sometimes that might be working with drums, which you've seen, I do, yeah, I might be using my hands on part of healing. And then I might be doing soul retrieval. So I don't want to sound or anyone to assume I'm arrogant about bringing your soul back into your body. I think that you do all the work. And I channeled and facilitate that process. I'm a guide. And because I have open my own energy, and I'm aware of energy, I can help you get your energy back on track.

Mark Laurie:

That is pretty cool. So is this something you're went day and went ? I think I'm going to go and be a shaman? Or is there stages had to go through? And start with that? Like, how did you get interested in how did that because

Lisa Kennedy:

I had a grandmother who was a tea leaf reader. And so intuition in our family was always acceptable. So I had a mother who the gifts more or less skipped her. But she had that mother's intuition super strong because she could feel our pain from a mile away, right? Well, we could be across the world and something went wrong, she costs and be like what's going on? You know, I knew that that love and support was there for sure. But I also had a sort of a sense of Claire audience a lot when I was young. And so for me, I heard the voices of what I thought at the time, when I was younger and less experienced would have described as angels. Now I would describe it as my Masters teachers and loved ones as well as maybe there are some angels in that mix. But I think it's more diverse the beings that work from us, with us from the unseen world. And so I've always heard that voice of that team. And sometimes they sort of like they buzz around in the background. And they step forward sometimes to speak more. And for many years, it was just for me personally, but I would meet people and I would know things I would have the dreams, I would have the predictive future Italian abilities. And I would have friends who'd be like I said, I had a dream. And I call them they go oh no.

Mark Laurie:

So it better be a good dream.


It was a good dream.

Lisa Kennedy:

You know, so friends knew that I had that ability, it came out and people would share I guess their wounds with me. And they're, they're the truths that they needed to be accepted for. So I've always had a more non judgmental energy for others than that lets them feel safe to share with me. And that sometimes all the healing people need is just the sharing.

Mark Laurie:

That's amazing. So so you have no arcs I know in my studio is a very peaceful place. And so people arriving there, but when you're interacting with people, they just feel your peacefulness feel that this is a safe place to communicate, kind of get into it.

Lisa Kennedy:

Absolutely. I hear that all the time. People say I don't know why I'm telling you this. I've only known you for five minutes. And they started sharing the things that have their biggest burdens, I guess you would say into them. They seem so large and so awful. But to me, they're just what makes them beautiful. Yeah.

Mark Laurie:

So when you're really young, did you have any other guiding things? Is there any like did your parents helped shaped that or you just discovered it on your own,

Lisa Kennedy:

I grew up in northern Alberta, okay. And I do have a matey heritage, which also, there is some belief that there was some healing shaman in my heritage, but we don't have a lot of proof around that. So I just have let that go and not needing it to be that way. But I grew up in nature. So I lived on an acreage outside of town and behind us was just the rolling hills of peace river, right? So I would spend hours a day out in nature. And I got to do that I my mother kept me back and go to kindergarten, I already knew how to read when I was three years old. So wasn't a problem. And she just I was their youngest, it was quite difficult to have me so I had a lot of surrounding love. I had three other siblings, but we all just had this great life where we grew up and my dad we didn't have a lot of money but he had a few toys for us. We had a skidoo at one point. So it's just spend hours out in nature either at night or during the day and and so I got that nature time and nature energy is so non judgmental, and it's so healing to just be away from I guess the criticisms of society. And so I got that constant recharge In a regular basis, just living the life I lived.

Mark Laurie:

That's pretty cool. Yeah. Did you have we've asked this of our other guests, is there any slogans or phrases that you hold dear.

Lisa Kennedy:

One of my favorites when I talk to people is everything's happening for you, not to you, right? So when you start to shift into that mindset, and you can start to be the container that creates, rather than the container that's having things happen to you, you have so much more power. I mean, the world is your oyster at that point in time, right? It's the Christ Consciousness evolving out of you. And so if we can just switch our thoughts and realize that we have so much power with our thoughts, that we can just switch them to what we would like to have what we wouldn't what we want in our world, if we already believed it was ours, we would be manifesting that so much faster.

Mark Laurie:

That's, that's, that's a common thread, almost any inspirational coach as well. It's kind of a neat thing, what the other ones that you follow, sort of strike home,

Lisa Kennedy:

so I don't make mistakes, I get results. If I don't like the results, I change what I'm doing.

Mark Laurie:

I come across that a long time I learned it was my batteries always been. That was a learning experience. And this was a win. Great, and so is when you take that perspective, as you've well known is that when you fall down, it's only a failure if you don't get back up again. But everything is a continual edge. And usually, you learn more from a mistake that you're able to correct, then from the easy success.

Lisa Kennedy:

Absolutely. We just take our successes for granted, right? Where's our escape mistakes are schooling us, but they're just showing us where the friction is. We're just trying to if people would just realize that that's really not a bad thing. It's the beautifulness of who you are and what you're inviting. And it's just the lesson is exactly right for where you need to go. Where you need to be uncomfortable. So you start to say, hey, my why is that and start to look at it closer.

Mark Laurie:

I've found a lot of people who are just getting more and more common, I think for people intentionally do things uncomfortable to learn from them.

Lisa Kennedy:

We have quite a few friends, a couple girlfriends come to mind instantly where I've found them poke me and say go outside your comfort zone. When time was to being I have fears of heights and things being out of my control. So when you're on a tube, a big tube up in the mountains sliding down very fast. It's a challenge to your nervous system, right and accepting sort of the danger thrill. I was never, I'm never gonna be someone who jumps out of a plane, I'm really crossing my fingers that that doesn't have to happen to me. But recently, I flew in a hot air balloon as well. And my girlfriend who's a pilot was like, come on, you got to get outside your comfort zone. That's where growth begins at the edge of your comfort zone. So she says it regularly to us. And I do believe that's true.

Mark Laurie:

It is I've my parents had hot air balloons before my parents, but before they past way. And that's that's been lots of times 100 balloons and photographed them some nights. It's very magical place up there. It is really quite, it's really quite nice. So what three beliefs would guide you with what has been your cornerstones for beliefs,

Lisa Kennedy:

and that I am powerful is the number one that I make stuff happen. So even before I still I guess it's always going to be there your victim, your inner victim that wants to blame everybody else, but there's no power and change there. Right? So if it's everybody else, what can you do about it? Yeah, but when you say no, it must be me, you get to change it. So that is kind of like I guess my mother had that belief and really pass it on. To me.

Mark Laurie:

That's a belief of accountability to yourself. Yeah. Because you're sitting because you can then recognize Well, I can make the change I made this choice didn't work out well. And and if if you somehow pass on that the world's at fault to another world had it in for you. You can't go forward. Now you can No, but if it's your if you sit back and say well, okay, so I made and everything from I made the wrong choice of friends. That's what got me in this mess. It was I made those choices.

Lisa Kennedy:

I'm not saying that people invite tragedy, per se, but we still still can learn from it and still go forward from it. My other one is it's 360 degrees of perspective, no matter what. So we're in the photo shoot, right? You showed me how different angles could really make me see myself differently. Yes. And that's with any situation. So you're sitting at the perspective of this is horrible. But if you just shift a few feet to the right or a few feet to the left, you're going to see where this is a blessing. Yeah. And that's an important one.

Mark Laurie:

That's very powerful. I've always had the things that cartoonists at one point where the guy start off, it was a horrible day. He had a cat rat in front of me had to stop he dropped his packages and because he dropped the packages, he was hit by a truck that quick control just kind of went on something bad had happened and he'd missed something worse. It was like Oh, so these little bad things are kind of protect me from that really, really, really bad thing.

Lisa Kennedy:

Yes. So you know, give gratitude to those from the unseen world that are helping you because they can see so much more than you can write their perspectives from much further back.

Mark Laurie:

So with the unseen world is that is that kind of like guardian angels the wrong thing, but guides? Like does everyone get wonderful? Yes,

Lisa Kennedy:

I think we all have teams that we come here with, right. And so they tune into us their awareness of us we've had so many I'm a believer in the multi dimensional universe, the multiverse, whatever you say. So I do believe that we had a sense of ourselves before we got here. And we made some plans. When we came here, we have sacred contracts to fulfill. But in the in the midst time, we can play, we can have fun with it, and nobody's getting out alive. And so we all got to go somewhere, sometime. And it's more of how are we playing the game to the best of our ability, are we creating the positive thing, but we talk about these beings that come in to help us, they not just in different ways. And so for me, it was voices, it was visions coming through. So you start tapping into the energetic field, you start seeing the visions of people's energies and their stories that they're running. But they facilitate my understanding with that, they come to me in my dreams, and teach me in different ways. And so sometimes they're very present where you have more of an interactive experience. And sometimes they're just they're supporting. So I don't I do believe that there's different levels of beans just like there's, you know, people of different races here. There are people who are humanoid, who just are higher vibration, so they don't have form anymore. But people would call them the Pleiadians. And there is a belief in some of the circles that right now they are surrounding the earth, as we're raising our consciousness, and we're growing and evolving. So there are many people with their eyes on Earth right now, many different races and beings have levels. And so when we act sort of out of integrity, we allow ourselves to be open to those beings who maybe aren't as positive for us. So when we step into excessive use of alcohol or drugs, we are allowing other beings to come through our defenses and start to live through us and do what they want to do, which quite often isn't aligned with what we'd like to do. Or you see that people say, Oh, my behavior is so different when I drink, and I guess it is, sometimes you get a funny one, that's great. But it knows those beings, they are sort of lower level beings, and they're not your team they sneak through when you land them.

Mark Laurie:

So for the average person, so you've got people who are very intuitive, and they kind of feed off this, they understand it, even if they don't understand they understand it. Can people become more in tune to things is there a process we're where everyone has the ability to mourn for

Lisa Kennedy:

Waverly, everybody has the ability to become more aware, and more able to use your sixth sense all your senses in a better way. So we can take our hearing and hear it inside, we can take our scene and see it inside. So the pineal gland, the pine cone has all the same parts to it that your eye does. And it even has better and better ability to see, although it's not something we think we're using for seeing we are. So I believe everybody's energies there. And it's just a muscle you have to work. So are you exercising it? Are you tuning into people? And then are you asking them? I just thought this about you too. Is that true? Right? So in a relationship you better if we were more community that way, too. I'm feeling this, we would learn to see what was our triggers and what was truth.

Mark Laurie:

So how can every person strengthen that muscle,

Lisa Kennedy:

it would be time meditative time is really important and quiet time, I was never good at the no mind, the Buddha, no mind when we read quietly and sit there, you know, for an hour and a half, that was not going to work for me, I need to give my mind something to do. So guided meditation was always useful for me.

Mark Laurie:

So what is guided meditation,

Lisa Kennedy:

some would be playing a track quite often a nice spa like music, I guess for lack of a better word. And there would be words that you could focus on tasks to do, somebody would walk you to the meadow, and then you would be or the cops of trees or something some forest place. And then you would meet your guide. And then you would go through that process and or even if you're just listening to someone talk about the shifting of realities, but you're sitting there very contemplated or you're not playing on your phone, you're not doing something else, you're very present and focused on the task. Anytime we're doing that we're in a meditative state changes our brainwave patterns, it's scientific, right? So if we spend more time in those brainwave patterns, we're going to get better at running them.

Mark Laurie:

And it's really wild, I wrote a course called make your mark. And one of the things he advocates is this thing in the morning where you spend some affirmations, and then you do gratitude. And apparently there's quite a release of chemicals in the brain where you're doing gratitude for various people.

Lisa Kennedy:

Absolutely. So gratitude exercises are so powerful for you stepping out of your victim, for you embracing that philosophy of everything's happening for me, not to me, and it does change the brain chemistry changes the brainwave patterns, but also the physical chemistry. So we start having different chemicals have been emitted, that help us be happier, really. So it's not like the bad stuff isn't still happening. Yeah. But it's if we're as long as we're focusing on the good we tend to allow ourselves to allow more good to come in and In the bad gets pushed out or just becomes a very tolerable

Mark Laurie:

I remember when I was with with strategic coach, I take a lot of courses, a lot of coaches, and that one coach, he was saying that if you're if you're feeling good and positive, you come across a problem, it's like a speed bump, you just drive over it. But if you're in a low energy, or you have lack of confidence, all those things speak to that, we come across the same speed bump now looks like a mountain, it's a struggle to climb up to it. And he says it really the problem hasn't changed your confidence in yourself to attack live has, and I guess that's what the meditation would gratitude to kind of get into it?

Lisa Kennedy:

Yeah, absolutely. Your vessel. And if you put your box and you're just shoving everything in there all day long, right. And when you empty the box, if you're just always kind of trying to keep the box lid closed. So when you go take time for meditation, when you take time for health choices like pedicure, chiropractic, whatever it is, when you start to do those things, you empty some of the stuff out of the box. So we want to make sure we're balancing with empty in the box as much as we fill it.

Mark Laurie:

That's cool. Now, one of the things I talked about earlier is that I I'm so responsive, I call the time my subconscious, and then you corrected me. And so just explain that a bit, Tony, because that was a really powerful term,

Lisa Kennedy:

the way you explained it, you said that your subconscious had the gifts of awareness. Yes. And the subconscious is more of a program that tracked everything that's happened to you. And it's where some our belief systems, our program, if you will, if your like your computer, your programs got set in early, early years. So when you're getting tripped up, it's usually your subconscious. But when you're getting through things, it's usually your higher self. Okay, so I like the term or higher self when we want to talk about consciousness. The subconscious and the conscious are still a part of the mind. And whereas the higher self is soul, and soul as hard to tell left

Mark Laurie:

gets into it. Yeah, I had a john key Whoa, who's into mind power? I, you started in the 70s. And he talked about the Mayans be a trickster. And so he described it as you're making your battle plans, and to defeat the trickster to do do something that your mind because it reminds a basic little child wants to do and wants to do but because imagine always having whoever your enemy is listening in on your plan. That's how hard it is to feel that makes it really different. So who inspires you,

Lisa Kennedy:

I have quite a few teachers that I land. So do something you just said there. The way you talked about the trickster, and we're talking about the victim and the saboteur, Carolyn Myss, but it's spelt Myss. She's a great teacher. She's a great teacher of archetypes. And we understand that the language of spirit comes through us and archetypes. So she has some great work that she does. And she was one of the first people who talked about energy anatomy. So when she came out with the ancient era, Vedic knowledge, how there's a map on your body. So when your arm hurts, it specifically relates to a very specific issue in your life, you know, and I can track it right back to where it is. And we can talk about the story. Or we can just release it with energy, and not really have to go through I guess, years or months of counseling.

Mark Laurie:

That's a shortcut.

Lisa Kennedy:

It's a shortcut. And so when we start to understand what it really is, we kind of open that trapdoor in the subconscious. And the person who taught me a lot about the subconscious. And the conscious is Dr. Su mortar. She does some wonderful work around consciousness, the energetic codes, she's I'm doing most of my training with her right now. And I really love her take on a lot of stuff. But she's very humble, and yet very, very, very godlike. And you know, she has a lot of knowledge to share. And every time I spent time with her, I learned more and more about what we're doing here. When it comes to relationship, advice about relationships and understanding the paradox. Alison Armstrong is a really wonderful teacher. And so as David data, and john weinland, he's kind of take a David data's and Allison's work. And now he's out there doing workshops, and he's working. And he's just, he's really coming from a very conscious place when he explains, and I love that we're finally getting to the point of the relationships between men and women that we can start to bridge the gap that I want to say the river of years of patriarchy. And then years of, you know, hardcore feminists have created a gap between the two. And there's not that understanding that there should be. So a big part of the work I do is bridging that understanding.

Mark Laurie:

And that's a powerful thing. I've seen more and more couples. I'm spoiled. Like I see very interesting people that come into it. And we're seeing more couples that have exhibit exhibit that that there's a connection and it's a kind of effortless, No, there's nothing much to it's pretty neat. So what's been your biggest adrenaline rush? What is have you done something in the past that goes Wow, that was like so cool, exciting and scary and all sorts of stuff at the same time. It's super

Lisa Kennedy:

avoid scary things. Okay.

Mark Laurie:

Scary in a good way, because they throw away a thrill.

Lisa Kennedy:

Yeah. So I say to people, like there are people so I recently confronted one of my childhood memories that I didn't know was there, right? So I was in BC and I went to go up the road at penticton sois when you go up and switch back I got up the road, I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. So I have a fear of heights I have a fear of in the car, I could walk it No problem, right, but I couldn't drive it. Okay, so I turn around, come back down that aisle, just think about, you'll get over all your breathing, do all your work and figure out what that is. And it was there as childhood memories coming back, we quite often did the trip to visit my grandmother, we were young. And I thought, well just go through the border. And I'll just drive down and come up because I had to get to another city on the other side. They wouldn't let me through the border because of COVID. Right, but I had to go through the whole process. And then all these beautiful men are like, just Just do it. Just look the other way. Just grieve, it'll be fine. And I couldn't understand how the fear could just really stopped me and I rarely let fear stop me. But I I kind of gave into it that time. But it worked out well because I ended up taking another drive and founded some great roads in a different way and found different people and all sorts of things happen. But I guess the first time I took that road and went to golden as an adult in the last couple years, I was feeling pretty good about being able to do the drive by myself made it through this, that sort of switchback II thing. But so this thing has defeated me for now. When I went up in the hot air balloon a couple I guess, about a month ago now the first time I was quite nervous, I'm like, well, we don't think it's today. My friends are like it is it is let's go. But the absolute beauty of that was completely different. It didn't trigger my fear of heights or anything else. There's just a peace in a communist with that. And a trusting and letting go. So we talk about fear. And I say I could talk about my personal stuff all the time. And I know there are men who could jump out of planes, no problem, but can talk about their feelings, right? So we all have that strength in different areas. So what gives me a thrill is when I work with people who have that aha in their eyes. Yeah, that's really powerful thing. I experienced

Mark Laurie:

the same thing with my photography, you have someone come in who's so scared, so nervous, and also they kind of go, Wow, I got news really fast, that's very solid. And then they step into themselves. Because once you've broken through any kind of fear barrier, I found that all sudden, the next stage is very peaceful. So you have all this adrenaline, this rush in this fear. And then you step into go, Oh, well, that wasn't so bad at all. I can enjoy this other side of it. And then after that, you're it's like climbing a mountain. That's that bridges down to the next bridge is crossed. And

Lisa Kennedy:

yeah, you just constantly reach out for that until you I guess until you can't anymore. But there are times when I've done those fear challenges and thought, Oh, I am better. I am stronger. But it's funny with the driving ones. I don't feel stronger. I still feel like Please don't make me do that again.

Mark Laurie:

How would you want to change the world?

Lisa Kennedy:

How do you want to change the world I want more love. I want more love in the world. I want men and women loving each other. I want them coming into communion of respect with one another. And so I think we've forgotten how to speak to each other. And we're speaking from our wounds all the time, and nobody's listening. So I just want to be the fountain of love that gives. But I want people to turn on their own fountain and realize the power they have when they're running from love when there's an operating system is love. That's powerful. Yeah.

Mark Laurie:

So it'd be your perfect day. So my favorite questions to ask what is your perfect day, you wake up and

Lisa Kennedy:

Oh, that's so wonderful question, right? go. There's so many perfect days. But for me, it would be if I was dealing with 100 balloons. Thanks for westward traveling, I love to travel and have adventures. And if there's a hot spring, something natural. So being out in nature and some natural beauty and being able to experience the elements, right? So when I go to Lucia fallss in Columbia Valley so yeah, it's it's a bit it's a bit of a challenge for me to get there because the roads is so much better. But getting there, it always feels worth the drive. And you know, so then you're feeling the air, you're feeling the earth, you're feeling the hot springs, you're seeing the river beside you. And all the trees are there. So there's so many elements that make that perfect and go into a beautiful restaurant having a beautiful meal cooked or being able to cook because we had timeshare. So we could often would spend time there with a friend or family. You know, it's a lover would be great. There's no expectations on I'm sure I'd love whoever I was with. Right. So yeah, there's just that kind of being able to have deep conversations and talk about what you know what moves you and what excites you in life and where you're going with your visions. That's really that would be my perfect day to

Mark Laurie:

day conversations interesting as often the writers of movies have wonderful lines. I watched it was a jack Ryan movie, channel reshoot. And the middle of a scene the bad guys talk to the good guys wife and and they're having some talk about the weather. Let's have a conversation and she likes him. She says you're dying from cancer. He says, See, now we're having a conversation. It's serious. And they're the only ones that are worthwhile having the rest are really if you're not challenged wrong, right. I think I think there are more. more casual, like you're not really invested in the conversations that make sense.

Lisa Kennedy:

THey are trivial, your guess is not necessarily shallow is your right. But they are trivial and they're just, they're not the best use for time. Like, you know, Time Is Flying by so fast. Yes. And what are we doing with it? You know, what are you creating? And if you spend your time talking about the weather, I mean, think about how many minutes I have to put into shallow conversation or trivial conversation to get to the good stuff. Yeah, I'm like, Oh, it's years of my life wasted.

Mark Laurie:

The toothbrush stuff yet? It things that kinda of click into it. What are you curious about right now?

Lisa Kennedy:

I'm just curious about how to run the energies better, how to be more conscious how to come from a place of non judgment. So you know, always letting that go with myself and working on myself and noticing when I am judging others, what does that say about me, because it's always three fingers pointing back at you. That would be my third saying, we point the finger there's three pointing back. So it's all about you. And so just more curious about the ways to run energy. And that's what I invest my time in is taking those courses in those classes.

Mark Laurie:

So what can we save energy? What kind of practical things? Or can our audience say, Oh, that's what energy is? What would that be? How would you describe the energy?

Lisa Kennedy:

So how do you describe the energy when you feel better when you feel grounded, there is that sensation when things rise up, and you're like, Oh, that's something good. That's something different, I feel powerful, I feel happy. I feel you're you're you're just feeling into your body, you're embodying everything. And there's a vibration and a frequency that feels right. And it feels like home, and then you know, you're venting your soul, when something feels like home. So there's places like when I'm at the top of the mountain, when I get on the ski lift, I'm like, I'm home with God. There's just nothing like that feeling right? When I'm on the motorbike. And I'm, and I, you know, after I get over the nervous and the first half hour, so brandy broke, okay, not gonna die instantly. Okay, cool. So do so good. And you're just for me, I read up to the mountains, but it's that just that piece that comes over you. And it's so your present. And that's when you're just have the best experiences with energy.

Mark Laurie:

I've heard this common saying that if you look at your best the five people you surround yourself with, and that kind of crap. How would you describe the five people who you surround yourself with?

Lisa Kennedy:

I think about it all the time. I'm so blessed with a son who is very much on the path of wellness and consciousness. And he coaches and guides and pulls me along and sometimes supports me and other times learns. So every once in a while I teach him something, right. But he has this beautiful way of saying, who's at your table of 12, you should have the Round Table of nights with you and who you going to carry through who would you give your everything to. And so I really have been working on who do I need at my table, and I really been looking for leaders. So because if I can influence leaders, they go to influence another 12 liters, right, I'm going to pretty soon be connected to 144 people that are just so beautiful and valuable, right. And a few of the people at my table are caregivers, because they remind me to take care of myself, right? If I have a girlfriend, I take on some of my trips, and she's like, okay, so have we ate and she doesn't boss me around, but she just gently reminds me that you know, we should check in and do this and do that. And take care of the basics too and grounds me so it's nice to be surrounded by I have so many beautiful friends. When I travel on the road, I get these friends from high school even who will set up spiritual circles for me to facilitate and I just show up and they just have an AMA arranged to meet a bunch of beautiful women to come learn. And I Swan in and it's like I get to share this knowledge that I'm so privileged to learn about and to feel and to know

Mark Laurie:

it's when you follow your instincts and I live by that and it's easy to forget that but when you follow them, it feels good. And when you ignore that twinge like the the gut feeling it turns out that there's more neurons connected to the go back and forth the brain to the stomach and the heart the brain, it just the brain within itself. It's a it's been a fascinating kind of study. So it's

Lisa Kennedy:

they have their own neurons and they have more than the brain so it's part of Dr. Seuss work to explain how the brain is really not meant to run the show. Yeah, the heart was the God was those the shocker centers? Yeah, you know that they are the places that were supposed to the brain is actually not capable of running all the power that we are.

Mark Laurie:

That's cool, because most of us tend to look at the brain as well. That's the that's the big command center. Yeah. And it's more of switchboard.

Lisa Kennedy:

Yeah, it's it is it's it's kind of the work room, but it's not the command center. Yeah, you know, your heart has to run things first. And that

Mark Laurie:

means a person as I listened to talk, that means you really have to be tuned into your heart to give, I guess, the command center, the director of the workroom, the right instructions. So it's so precious the brain figures of problems out some of the heart says here's a problem. Go figure this out. We have logistics, we've got to make a trip. There's how we meet this person over there. And then you make it so

Lisa Kennedy:

easy is the word problem. I prefer the word challenge or a task and another Simply because we don't problems our perception. Yes. Right. And so if we if our heart says, How, how can we surrender? How can we be here because true power comes in surrender, and allowing and receiving, that's the feminine energies where more power is we think, power be a masculine word, but it's really a feminine word. And then men are just holding the space in the stability in the connection to consciousness for the vessel, they create this vessel that women need to fill. And so when they have that strength, and that groundedness, for us, we get to be this creative, you know, powerful, but we all have masculine or feminine in us. So you know, as a photographer who runs your creative side, you have to tap into your feminine creative side to do that. And then so as a woman who wants to run a business, I have to grab my business sense and grab my masculine from that, right. And so we need to meld those to make everything work well. But it's just, the brain is just really there to kind of guide stuff. And when we connect to our heart, it's going to show us the way we need to be. But lots of times when we're listening to the brain, we're caught up in everybody else's expectations.

Mark Laurie:

That is redressing that's one of the comments a lot of my clients is that they're trying to to disassociate the self, nobody else's expectations, which they, on some cases aren't even real. Like they're sort of expecting someone's having this expectation. The other person is kind of neutral, or really could care less or party believes in them. And there's no big issue. The power of words is interesting. I've been with the market maker market people, it's a group of what the Catholic group with and they kept on comics, I view myself as a pretty positive person. And yet, I've got friends who point out to me, that's part of their job, though, occasionally more I'm trying to reduce it down. I use negative words, which like problem I used to use challenged off a lot. I said, No, you're working towards things like challenges. Again, this barrier word, I hadn't thought about that. So steps have a child like say, Oh, I'm, I'm working towards this solution. And that sends a different message to your brain.

Lisa Kennedy:

It does that as we don't understand the power of words anymore. But there it's called spelling for a reason. And spell casting, right. Yes. And so Allison Armstrong addresses that, as well as some other people that I pay attention to. So does Carolyn mace. But our words matter. And they're, they're the floydian, I guess, ways that we need to work on our consciousness. And they show us where our programs are, maybe you know, needing upgrading. So they're not bad or wrong. But they're just like, if you'd like a better result faster. Use the right words, because the words are helping like Abracadabra, some of those words were really powerful, nice to have that we don't know it now, because we've been Disney fied. But it has the words of the name of God in it. And they had this ability, when you translate it out, it is the ability to really open up your consciousness. So there's a reason why our cadabra is associated with magic, right? So there's so many of these words that are heat, the truth has been hidden from us. But it's, it's still there's still prevailing through, they're still there for when we're ready to wake up and realize what the power of some of these words and possibilities are.

Mark Laurie:

Read a while back, it was a girl to iqueryable. And so out of boredom, or need, she started researching each letter. And then she discovered a few. Wherever you're in Word name is, and you put the me of those words, you would define the person and people give people different names and different definitions of them, which is kind of wild. That's I get to a plug for my her body speaks program if I talk to you about it, and I think he takes so body speaks is the power of words. And so I was watching women who were using their byes with often violent, negative words, and they had a purpose for us. I'm not dissuading that tall. But I thought, you know, the roots can be so powerful, of course, they especially resonate with with liquid water has been proved by the Japanese scientist that he froze water rapidly than just beautiful crystals. He brought bad words onto them. And they're horrible crystals. So her body speaks is is each woman picks eight to 10 words that are positive, and they're powerful to her. And then we write them on her body of a body painter puts them on her body where she wants them to. So some words are powerful. It doesn't matter where they go, some words have to be played to a certain place by that person's perspective. Now think about until we say, Where should this go and they go here, it really has got to go here. And then when that I photograph them, and then after that, they're interviewed by Rochelle Weissman, who's this amazing writer. And she starts asking why those words, what's your background, and often when we'll break down crying because there's this huge taps been opened up with the power of the words and all those words, they get to see them every day because we produce this whole body of work for them. They get copies of it.

Lisa Kennedy:

Yeah, it's so wonderful that you're doing that. I do recall now we did actually talk about it. And when I went into session, with a client after fact, I actually when I meditated with her, and I took it back to her childhood or teenage years, I did it in a couple different years. And I said, What are the words you put on your body because I loved what you said. And she came out with the negative words and at a certain age and we knew the trauma had just happened before then Then when I took her back to her younger self, I said, What are the words now? And I said, See you at the same person. And so why are you allowing those words to define you? And you're also that person. Right? And for her, there was a lot of emotion. And so that was that opening that so that we realized that we, you mentioned it before, and I was going to bring it up. But we're the we're our own worst critic. So we're the day was negative with ourselves our perfect self, we compare ourselves to our perfect self, not just even other people's expectations, but our own for ourselves. Yeah,

Mark Laurie:

yeah. And that is crippling. Yeah. When it goes through, I talked to artists, and I like somewhere across this bridge, and it doesn't bother me, though. The worst critic of my work I look at I can't look at my work, I tear it apart. I go night, I look at work and go, yeah, I think I could have done this a bit better. But this is good. vacqueyras out the time when my client was out. That's really good. So I have a satisfication. Are we actually it's more of a release of my work. And yes, it is. When I do my photography, and I sit down with the clients we just did with yourself. I'm able to separate so when you say oh, well, not that when it doesn't look good. It's not offensive to me. It's other words aren't good. And, and so I just kind of flow through because that's what we've done. Yeah. If

Lisa Kennedy:

we sat for people in the room, they might all be I don't know, let's do that one. Right, because you're looking for different things in it. Right? Yeah.

Mark Laurie:

It makes a huge difference. Yeah. So what resources have helped you in your journey with which one other than ones we've talked about what sort of Cornerstone resource, you say, Oh, that is an integral foundation to my,

Lisa Kennedy:

my nose. I have to say it's my family. Yeah. Yeah. My parents are great. Nobody's parents are perfect. And my parents wouldn't say they were. But they I was so blessed in that they really want it to be a mother and a father. Yeah. Like they want it to play those archetypes. And that's what they did. They put us kids first. Wow. You know, I'm getting emotional now.

Mark Laurie:

Your father, her face is getting ready to cry

Lisa Kennedy:

share, you know, they both passed down. But I call on their support still. Right? When I'm going through hard times, I think about what would my mother want for me. And so that comes out. And my two sisters and brothers don't. And they all love me so much. We all love each other. But we're not everyday close. But I introduced my sister to a partner. And, you know, apparently, she took him aside and said, You better not hurt my sister, you have me to jail. And so here we are in our 50s. And she's still taking care of you that way. Right? She did the same thing when I was a teenager and some boy was teasing me on the bus. She apparently pinned him up against a wall and had a chat with him, after that he was super nice.

Mark Laurie:

God's coming. You are protected in the real and Unreal world.

Lisa Kennedy:

So very much, you know, my family's there. And then I have my son and my daughter and they just have so much support and love. You know, my daughter's still growing through some of her stuff. But she looks up to me and so I forget that sometimes, but she needs my approval and and so she keeps me grounded in the awareness of where am I at with her and whatnot. My son provides so much information of self awareness and he sits there and does and is the witness when I'm going through some stuff and it's just that quiet, strong contained masculine energy that that can hear and listen.

Mark Laurie:

It's well we've got a couple of things popped my brain through talking. One is both my parents have passed as well. And Jen's dad who was the pastor is 92. So he he was born in 1914. He saw he rode his horse to school down the cloud trail and saw the Mounties on the hillside there, but I still hear them. They're there through the years. There's words of wisdom that locked into me somehow and so I'll do something and said well, actually my dad's voice my mum's you know inspirational kind of stuff. It's just it just it's very real intangible. It's really cool. And we've got a foster daughter Cindy and she we just love her dearly but she we watch her with our guidance like we there's definitely worked hard to get to give to her and now she's in her 50s as well and we can we see she come into came at her own wonderfully but we can see our hand in her as we helped the guy he received receive it then of course we learned from her as well. So it's so it's wonderful two way street tablets people Yes, in your life there. What personality trait is the most proud of? When did you sit back and save all the gifts you've got? all the ways you look at the world and people responding which when you sit back and say this this is the top of the mountain

Lisa Kennedy:

I think it's my peacefulness you know i think that people most appreciated about me is just the my stillness. I think that helps them the most not my words of wisdom as much as it is just my being able to be present and be quiet when they need to talk.

Mark Laurie:

That's amazing. That's in sales. It's a phrase the phrase often is like went to Denver pitch Shut up. Yeah. I think I view life everything in life as a sales pitch in a positive way. It's that words been lying so much where I'm trying to Do a sales pitch to understand better. So I'm asking questions so I can can grasp how you run. I want someone to make the eggs today. Like everything kind of comes down to negotiating and giving and sharing and whatnot. And that makes a big deal. But going back to your peacefulness, so many people have to they need they need someone to fix stuff they need to see need someone to listen thoroughly that a fair statement.

Lisa Kennedy:

while they fix themselves, right? Yes. They just need to be appreciated for who they are. And that acceptance of me accepting them who they are helps them accept who they are.

Mark Laurie:

Yes, we actually I've gone back with for four or 5000 women. I think so many have said to us that one of the things they treasured from the photoshoot is how non judgmental I am that they come in. And it just doesn't matter what your shape or your backgrounds or anything are. I'm just like, we're just there in the moment together. And they and the non judgmental creates peacefulness and safety is kind of the power but

Lisa Kennedy:

the minute we can kind of just let us let ourselves go. And beard sounds. Yes, it's such a gift. Yeah, say to those people that we serve, that we can spend time with where we just feel like, yeah, I can say anything, and they're not going to be like get out.

Mark Laurie:

And, and it's amazing once you tippy toe into it, and then you discover the person is accepting and is open. You start to boldly go into it. And you become an LLC look back that was never talked about that way before. Like how that happen. You know? And then that's I think when you learn stuff about yourself when you can actually verbalize things inside and something out of your head and go Oh, so that's that sounds like in the real world. I think I'm gonna leave that behind. Or I'm gonna embrace it. You know, it depends on

Lisa Kennedy:

you, I think and that's part of running your energy system is things need to come out the throat chakra Yes, mountain words. Carolyn mace explains it really well. You know, the ideas come from the universe, God, whatever you want to say. And and they come all the way down the system. And then they start coming back out. When they come back out. The minute we start to voice them, it means we're ready to start breathing them integration. There's all that prep work before you actually start to hear it. And then it starts to the action starts to happen, right? So then we're running up and down the system, go back into the third chakra make things start happening in the world. But it's that being able to talk about the things that we're worried about the things that are concerning us the things that we love, and then just having somebody they don't have to cheer even, they just have to not be negative. To allow us to go Oh, yeah, I heard it now. I think, yeah, that sounded good.

Mark Laurie:

That's right, or it sounded bad. I think I'm gonna drop that. I get amazed how many times you'll you'll say something you realize, wait a minute, that's a negative, unexpected belief. Like it's just kicking around that you from books you've read or seen, and you're aware that you absorb it, and all sudden you benefit us and go, Oh, wait a minute. That's not my real belief. That's just something that's hung on from something I was exposed to an awful lot. And you've got to decide what to do with it.

Lisa Kennedy:

Yeah, cuz when you come up against someone you really like, but you're doing something you really don't like, all of a sudden, you have to go on a run to like ours, that belief that I you know, my hardcore belief. Is that wrong?

Mark Laurie:

Yeah. Where's the shades of gray? Okay, so, and I guess we have the ability to love what they're doing. So he is like, well, I like you, except for the fact of silvery color. Yeah. And so you know, I can't cross up rich, but we've got friends who were I'm different political sides of the fence with. We don't spend any time talking about taxes, neither one of us can be changed. But everything else is is you know, roses and gumdrops. It's really it's really kind of neat.

Lisa Kennedy:

But everybody like Dexter, I think,

Mark Laurie:

never did watch it.

Lisa Kennedy:

Yeah, it was super interesting. And he was a serial killer. But he had this justification for why he did what he did. And he did it from a place of protecting his loved ones, for the most part, right? He had that inclination. But he also didn't just do it to willy nilly innocent people, he tried to pick people who deserved. And it's so funny because all of a sudden, you realize you can shift your beliefs. We talked about some of the training I did back in the 90s, when the New Age movement kind of exploded. I was safer for me to talk about these voices, and all these, all these ways of being of knowing that I had as all of a sudden I could start to, you know, share them more openly because there was more people doing it. I do remember being able to talk to people about all their experiences, and they would come out with like, the minute someone knew I was open to that. They just unload. So I saw this I saw this UFO. ghost and

Mark Laurie:

Never gonna call me crazy. I can talk about it.

Lisa Kennedy:

Yeah. And I don't know if they did or didn't I don't know if it's plausible, but it doesn't matter as long as I'm willing to listen.

Mark Laurie:

Yes, that makes the biggest difference. Yeah. So I'm sure for the star. We talked about being a sexual shaming, and also getting too much detail on how much time left. What is that and why would people need that?

Lisa Kennedy:

Okay, so why do people need that? I think that there's still a lot of the programming of repressed Victorian idea So people are anytime there is a shadow or a pressure put down on, on an idea or a thought pattern or behavior, we are not maximizing the potential of that. And so anything about our body has power. But if we're holding back, we're holding back our power. So we need to run the whole energy system. And the fact is, we came from sex, that's, that is what we are, right? It's how we were created. It's what we are. I don't have any issues around if you want to be a different gender than what you're born with. Like, there's no issues around who you love masculine, feminine. We have it again, in all of us, right? But when we kind of come into that realization that we're not succeeding in love, why? Why see someone like me, because there's so much more your body could be showing you and teaching you and your body doesn't lie as much as you do. And I start physically manipulating your body, and I'm checking where all your issues might be. And your body's energetically talking to me and telling me your story, even if you're not right. So when I check in with my clients, and I say, hey, so you know, we have the spot here and your shoulder might be another issue. What do you think? Can we talk about that? Are you feeling safe enough? Are you ready to start to divulge and some are and some aren't, but then I can still go in energetically and I guess do some first aid on it. So it's not causing so many problems. And I so my specific technique, I do so many different types of healing work. But when I go into the the sexual shaman room, I am working with clients who are there because they're ready to let their orgasms blast through other chakras, their energy, clear them out, like you clean house. And some things was kind of come back, you know, because we can't quite let them go. Right? That's okay. But at least we got to, we got to have that feeling of freedom of not having it. So a lot of people when we're doing the sexual work, they've experienced orgasm, there are no bad ones. But they've had genital orgasms. And they haven't been able to run that energy with the physical. So the embodying the soul, and letting it be a full body experience. Because I think that's God's special little gift for us in this crappy crappy sometimes world. We have this great little gift in our body that we don't even need another person to clear it out and let our energy be renewed. And so there's a big part of what we talked about today is just working on people and figuring out what their wounds are that might be holding them back in the session to powerful stuff.

Mark Laurie:

Well, we've wrapped up our time, I could probably talk to you for hours. I have almost full world knowledge that just always fascinates me. It's really kind of cool.

Lisa Kennedy:

Like you're such a beautiful soul. And it's so nice to be here with you asking wonderful questions.

Mark Laurie:

Well, thank you. I this has been a new calling actually, this podcast thing. Through my photography. I've had I designed my photog my approach, the people are attracted to me, the most wonderful women just there. They've all been just incredible that have come through my door. So I'm kind of spoiled. In terms of how I see the world I really get to see the world through rose colored glasses. And the people I interact with are like yourself, they're just these wonderful souls and some are going through things and I get to help them in my foot photographic kind of way. And so I've been spoiled. And so that's how the podcast came about, was to start talking about and let people in on some of the women I've encountered and how fascinating they are and how they can maybe change their lives. They say orange lights and things. So it's been great. Yeah, I will have in the info bio piece. There'll be more about Lisa days a day of Ls. And so I've been Stumbling on names of everybody and getting them wrong. But anyways, so be in the bio section. If you want to reach her if you want to talk to her if you want to learn more of what she's got. Some of the people she referenced, she will give us some links in there and you can follow up on the information for it. It'd be really worth doing it's a hugely free and it's just amazing. So this is Mark Laurie, check us out as well on innerspiritphotography.com and thank you for joining us.


This has been fascinating women with Mark Laurie. Join us on our website and subscribe at fascinating women dossier fascinating women has been sponsored by inner spirit photography of Calgary, Alberta and is produced in Calgary by Lee of us and my office media.