The Impostor Syndrome Files

Stop Making It Bigger than It Is

Kim Meninger Season 4 Episode 152

In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about our tendency to make what we’re doing so much bigger than it actually is, which leads to stress, worry and self-doubt. My guest, Neha Lagoo Ratnakar, shares personal stories of times when she has overinflated the significance of what she was doing in ways that created unnecessary anxiety and stress and how she navigated these situations. We also talk about her extensive global experience, living in eight countries and speaking eight different languages, and what that has taught her about herself and humanity.

About My Guest
Neha Lagoo Ratnakar was born in Indore, India and currently lives in Amsterdam, Netherlands with her genius husband, a strong-willed daughter, and an extremely gullible dog. Neha’s nomadic life as a trailing spouse could have cost her career, and she knows what taking a break feels like. As she has continued her career journey across changing geographies and sectors, she’s faced challenges and learned invaluable life lessons. It’s these challenges and lessons that have carried her to where she is today as a writer.

When Neha isn’t writing, she’s a talent development professional and a part-time entrepreneur. She’s also been a face painter, a handwriting analyst, a website designer, and a henna artist.

In her spare time, Neha enjoys playing improv and saying “yes” to the curveballs life throws at her. And when life has nothing to throw, she shakes things up anyway by doing something crazy. Back on Your Feet is Neha’s first published book.


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