The Impostor Syndrome Files

What Does Success Mean to You?

Kim Meninger Season 4 Episode 153

In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about success, including how we define it and whether that definition actually works for us. My guest, Jean Tien, intuitive mindset coach, author and podcast host, shares her S.U.C.C.E.S.S. method, which is designed to help us define and achieve success on our own terms, rather than in ways that are influenced by external pressures. We also talk about changes that need to happen in the workplace to make it easier for all of us to pursue our own definitions of success.

About My Guest
As the first-born daughter of Asian immigrants, Jean followed her parents’ formula for success. They pushed her in her studies so that she could graduate from an Ivy League university and work in a corporate setting that would provide a nice paycheck. Even though her corporate career flourished with 2 promotions in 2 consecutive years and a 6 figure income jump in only 3 years, she continued to fumble through life until she finally realized that “happily ever after” doesn’t automatically happen when you start to make more money or climb the corporate ladder. She says that following this age-old formula for success, I wasn’t allowing myself to be ME.

With over 20 years of experience, Jean knows what it's like to juggle a successful career with being a mom yet still feels like she hasn’t gotten anywhere. No matter how hard she worked to achieve more in life, Jean knew that she couldn't reach it if she kept pushing herself to conform to the expected definition of success. This is what motivated her to create the S.U.C.C.E.S.S Method for ambitious women to achieve the success they never thought possible.

Jean is also a podcast host. Her podcast, Being Unapologetically Authentically, has been featured in Armstrong Wolfe, the Financial Advisory Firm for the COO. She’s also been a guest on a number of podcasts, as well as featured in magazines, such as the Authority Magazine, an online publication devoted to sharing in-depth, and interesting interviews, featuring people who are authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech.


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