The Impostor Syndrome Files

Putting Ourselves First

February 21, 2023 Kim Meninger Season 4 Episode 155

In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about our natural tendencies to neglect self-care because it feels too selfish or because we don’t believe we have the time. My guest this week, John Chilkotowsky, executive coach and former executive leader, shares his story of how a panic attack changed his relationship with himself and his work. He also shares insights for others who might be neglecting their own self-care.

About My Guest
What if you are the most efficient and effective being alive, but your map is incorrect?

First, you will be in constant motion that may look like success for a little while. And second, you will quickly get to somewhere you don’t really want to go.

Some might say: “But MY map is correct!”

Others might say: “I’m SO fast that I can afford to have a map that’s incorrect. I’ll just go twice the distance.”

What do you say?

As a former Fortune 100 consultant and nonprofit leader, and as a current entrepreneur Executive Coach, John Chilkotowsky learned a lot from what seemed like failures in the moment, but later as golden opportunities. He helps leaders recognize the ways in which their mindset creates their reality, and how they can create a map aligned with what they really want, and start moving towards the “gold” in their leadership and life.


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