The Impostor Syndrome Files

You Are in Your Role for a Reason

Kim Meninger Season 4 Episode 167

In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about how impostor syndrome undermines our confidence and keeps up playing small in the workplace. This week, I talk with Tracy Pruzan-Roy, a high-performance leadership coach, who shares her story of rising from entry-level to senior executive in the media and entertainment industry. She talks about the ways in which impostor syndrome showed up in her career and shares how she now supports leaders to overcome self-doubt and reach their full potential.

About My Guest
Tracy is a Certified Executive + High Performance Leadership Coach. With a background in media/entertainment, she worked her way up the ladder from individual contributor to Senior Vice President at major corporations. During this time, she counseled, mentored, and challenged her team daily. Now as a coach, she brings this energy and expertise to her clients and her executive background gives her a unique advantage to her coaching. She guides leaders and emerging leaders to step up to the next level by helping them identify and leverage their strengths, conquer their inner critic, use their voice and rediscover their purpose, all in service of achieving both their career and personal goals.

Tracy resides in West Orange, NJ, just outside of NYC, with her husband and son. Her favorite activities outside of coaching include rooting for the Baltimore Orioles, traveling, and attending as many live concerts as humanly possible.


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