The Impostor Syndrome Files

Building Confidence in Girls

Kim Meninger Season 2 Episode 45

In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about how we can support young girls to become more confident and, hopefully, avoid some of the challenges we’ve faced. My guest, Leslie Coles, shares her Impostor Syndrome story and offers practical advice and strategies for all of us who want to empower girls to become confident women. Many of these same strategies can help us grow our own confidence as well!

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About My Guest
Leslie Coles is passionate about the power of innovative education to change the world. She is Co-Founder and Executive Director of Moms as Mentors®, a non-profit dedicated to giving mothers and other caregivers the tools and opportunities to raise girls to become confident female leaders, particularly in areas where women are underrepresented (including STEM fields, entrepreneurship and politics). Leslie also manages the game-based assessment projects in the Playful Journey Lab at MIT and is an ambassador for She+ Geeks Out. She+ Geeks Out is an organization that offers diversity, equity, and inclusion workshops, as well as a safe and welcoming community of womxn and their allies in tech and tech adjacent fields. Previously, she served as Director of Programs for VentureLab, an organization focused on creating the next generation of innovators and changemakers through entrepreneurial learning. Prior to that she was Director of Strategic Initiatives & Programs at the National Coalition of Girls’ Schools, where she took the lead role in implementing programs that advanced their mission to empower girls to be influential contributors to the world.

Here is a link to the Moms as Mentors "How to Be a Confidence Mentor" tips and resource guide.

Learn more about Moms as Mentors at and contact the organization with any questions at