The Impostor Syndrome Files

Take Your Cello Out of the Closet

Kim Meninger Season 2 Episode 73

In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we take a fun look at the power of storytelling. My guest, Sophie Wasdsworth, shares her story as we discuss how to think about incorporating storytelling into our own leadership styles. We also talk about the ways in which storytelling builds our own confidence, as well as that of those around us.

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About My Guest
Sophie is an executive coach, writer and nonprofit consultant with a passion for storytelling. Based in Greater Boston, she helps mission-focused leaders improve their communications through compelling stories and presentations. With over fifteen years of executive leadership experience, Sophie supports leaders who seek to uncover their unique stories, advance their career, and inspire keynote audiences, cross-functional teams, and community stakeholders. Sophie is also the award-winning author of a collection of poems, Letters from Siberia. In 2021 she was selected to perform one of her stories for an episode of GBH's Stories from the Stage on WORLD Channel.

To learn more or schedule time with Sophie, visit: