The Impostor Syndrome Files

It Will Be Worth It in the End

September 14, 2021 Kim Meninger Season 2 Episode 80

In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome, we explore the power of facing our fears to achieve our goals. My guest, Kat Cleary, shares her personal story as a data scientist in the life sciences consulting industry who recently wrote her own children’s book. She shares how she has managed self-doubt along her journey and the advice she has for others who want to play bigger.

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About My Guest
Dr. Ekaterina “Kat” Cleary is a scientist, a daughter, a wife, a cat-mom, a writer, and a mentor. Data scientist by day, she is deeply engaged in public health policy and writing about the affordability of pharmaceutical drugs. As a newly minted consultant at Exponent, Kat enjoys discovering interesting patterns in healthcare data and teaching visualization to students of all ages.

Originally from Siberia, Kat has been a proud New Englander for almost three decades. She has a great fondness for animals and lives with her husband and two cats. This spring she self-published her debut children’s book “Adventures of Pierre the Munchkin” under the pseudonym Dr. Kat. Pierre’s story, based on true events, has had global reach and has become an inspiration for children to write their own adventure books.

Having braved the unknown on several occasions, Kat encourages young professionals to view themselves as a “Mockingjay” and inspire others to start their own personal revolutions.

“Adventures of Pierre the Munchkin”: or Amazon.
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