Jazz Bastard Podcast

Jazz Bastard Podcast 186 - Deeds Not Words

Michael Caldwell Season 8 Episode 186

Try as he might, Pat can't escape Mike's jones for jazz mixed with politics, so he submits and the boys do a trawl through just a few of the examples of art-music and rhetoric spilling forth from improvising musicians less than thrilled, let us posit, by the political bent of the last few years.  Do the bastards pontificate more than the music they're criticizing?  You be the judge.  Cutting edge acts such as Black Sabbath, Jethro Tull, and the Go-Go's give Pop Matters that contemporary vibe it so desperately needs.  Wynton Marsalis – BLOOD ON THE FIELDS; Ben Lamar Gay – 500 CHAINS; Karrin Allyson – SHOULDER TO SHOULDER; Terri Lyne Carrington – WAITING GAME.