Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast

The Time is Now for You to Flourish

Season 1 Episode 6

Health & Well Being
Freedom & Fulfillment
Passion & Purpose

Sheena Cantar is a High Performance Mindset Mentor, helping people make money, make a difference and have fun!   It is Time to Flourish, a time to step out of the corner and shine.  She works with businesses and individuals, instilling within them not only the mental foundations of success and the motivation to achieve, but also the actionable strategies that will empower them to grow, improve, and thrive in today’s ever-changing world. Through the Proctor Gallagher Institute, with Bob and Sandy Gallagher, she facilitates the teachings, principles, strategies and fundamentals that help people and organizations create the results they want in life… results that STICK.   





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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the heart soul wisdom podcast, a journey of self discovery and transformation. Moira Sutton and her amazing guests share real life stories, tools, and strategies to inspire and empower you to create and live your best life. Come along on the journey and finally blast through any fears, obstacles, and challenges that have held you back in the past so you can live your life with the joy, passion, and happiness that you desire. Now, here's your host. Create the life you love. Empowerment life coach, Moira Sutton,

Speaker 3:

Welcome to episode six. The time is now for you to flourish with our special guest. High performance mindset. Coach Sheena Cantor. Sheena helps people make money, make a difference and have fun. I love that. Fun in there. It is time to flourish, step out of the corner and shine. She works with businesses and individuals instilling within them not only the mental foundations for success and the motivation to achieve, but also the actionable strategies that will empower them to grow, improve, and thrive. In today's ever changing world. Through the Proctor Gallagher Institute with Bob and Sandy Gallagher. She facilitates the teachings, principles, strategies, and fundamentals that help people and organizations create the results they want in their lives and results that stick. So without further ado, it is my pleasure to introduce our special guest, Sheena Canter. Welcome Sheena.

Speaker 4:

Thank you Moira. Thank you so much for having me.

Speaker 3:

This is going to be fun.

Speaker 4:

It is. Everything's going to be fun.

Speaker 3:

I think fun, you know, you think about it, they say when you're a child, you know, playing. That's when you learn the best when you're playing because you're in a different frame of mind than serious or you know, at school, sitting there with your, I remember folding my hands at the desk and that's, you know, I'm a bit older but, but I remember doing that and you know, you had to sit straight and discipline. That was not playful to me.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, well that's it. You know, so that's what I teach my clients is just do everything for the pure joy of it. If you're not having joy in it, you know, either change what you're doing or change your perception of what you're doing, you know? And that makes such an absolute difference. And we are the ones who are responsible for lighting our own fire. You know, it's just like we can wake up and maybe we're not in a good mood, but that's the evidence of past thinking. So that was yesterday. Maybe you didn't have a good thought, maybe picked up on something. And so you're actually right here right now, not feeling so good, but what do you want your next moment to be? And if it's hard, I know not saying that you can go from sad to happy in one go, but can you feel better? Can you just say to yourself, I want to feel better. Just want to feel better.

Speaker 3:

I love that. So let's just jump into there. As you open that up, you know, how do thoughts become things in what you're just saying? You know, how can somebody elevate the power of their thoughts instantly? Because it's sometimes I know I get trapped in a thought that goes on and on. I'm like, I don't want to think that thought anymore. You know, I'm very conscious of it, but sometimes I get stuck in that. So how do you elevate the power of your thoughts instantly? I like the instantly.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. So here's the thing. We've got to realize that there's a lot of polarity. There's a lot, there's lots of, there's seven main laws that we may not have time to go through all of them, but let me go through the law of polarity. And so when there's something really, you know, say something a little bit bad, it means there's something a little bit good just like we have right and left up and dying inside and outside. We cannot have one without the other. It is law. Therefore, if you're thinking a really bad thought and you're feeling really bad by law, you must have, there must be something really good. But what are you focusing on? It's up to you to focus on what's good. But again, we get stuck there so high. Can we change that? Well, it's by stepping back and just go and you know what it is what it is. My Bob has just had this whole weekend of the science of getting rich and this is one of the things that he actually used as one of his strategies, which actually comes from Michael Beckwith. It is what it is, and then there you go. There's the break. That's like you're going 80 miles in one direction. You've just stopped. Then harvest the good and go, there's something good in this, what is it? And then forgive the rest, but I want to take it one step further from what Bob has done as well, so forgive the rest, but then we just sort of leave it hanging in the air. It's imperative then that you then think, well, what do I want? What I want? And start thinking about that and then surrender it to the universe and just let it go and get on with your day. Just that business at the very beginning, Moira that is going as it is, what it is, is it's immensely powerful and majorly, it helps you look at things. Objectively, going I can't change it. Or if I can change it, what can I do? It's, I find it so powerful. That's what I use.

Speaker 3:

There's so many gems in there. She knows like the forgiveness and just letting go. There's a surrendering in there that I know I use that one. And then I know Mary Ann Williamson, she talks about, this too shall pass. And that's, that's something I use. So it's just in the moment. It's this moment and this too shall pass. So I love all the gems that you shared with that. Um, yeah, the forgiveness and letting it go. So tell me, you know, no matter what we want in our life, it could be a healthier body fulfillment, better relationship, losing weight, whatever it is. In your work, you state that it's possible when you shift your paradigm. So what is a paradigm shift and how does this result in the results that we're creating in our lives? Every day.

Speaker 4:

Wow. Paradigms, paradigms, paradigms. It's such an amazing journey. It really is. So a lot of paradigms are basically, you know, habits that we've got into habits, mental thought patterns, mental activities, things that you know, are programmed and basically your paradigms or your programs of your habits. You know, we've got like 60,000 thoughts a day. What did you think today that was different from yesterday? What did you do today that was different from yesterday? What have you done that's different from your parents and your grandparents and your great grandparents? You know, all the cultures that we have have got their own programming. Then our parents were programmed and then we, we grew from their vibration. So we've got their programming. What did they think about money? Whenever, say I was in my mom's womb, what did, did she have a hard time about money? Because if she did, then she passed that vibration on to me. So I don't know where my programming came from. And that's what the paradigms are. So this is where, so say for example, you know how to lose weight, but you don't do it. Yes. So there's like a space there. There's a gap. It's called the knowing, doing gap. So we know what to do and everybody knows what to do. But we've all got every excuse. I can't lose weight because I can't lose weight because I look at that word Be cause you are being the cause. I love that.

Speaker 3:

Oh I love plays on words. That's the first time I've heard that one. I just love that!

Speaker 4:

none of my clients are allowed to come up with an excuse. Cause here's the thing, you make excuses or get results. One of the other, you cannot have both. So as soon as you say I couldn't because, or it would have happened, but you know they're excuses so you know what to do. I mean you just Google it for goodness sake. Everybody knows how to lose weight but we're not doing it. And what's in there is our paradigms. That's our programming. That's our habitual way of thinking. Now they could have come from Great Great Anti Jennie. They could have come from your mommy and they could just come from y ou k now, whoever surrounds you, the television m ay b e, you know, with all the things that are going on about what you can have and what you can't have. And so it's about once we start to understand who we truly are, and this is how Bob's work actually works, is that we start to understand who we truly are. No, most people what they do is they go looking for the blocks. Let me tell you, you go looking for them, you'll find them and then you'll find another one and another one and another one. You'll be there forever and a day. So what to do is to start telling yourself about how awesome you are and having a vision of what you want. But you raise that vision so high and you get so passionate and emotionally involved in it. Like you embody then you vision of what you want and you start to have a different self image about yourself. And when you start to do that, because everything we do is controlled by ourself image. We cannot outgrow our self image. So if you have the image of a fat person but you're trying to lose weight, that's why you will lose weight. But then you will get it back on because your self image inside hasn't been changed. But once we can start to change that, then you rise on the paradigms. Wow. They start to rise and they come out and one by one you hear them, you don't need to go looking for them. You just hear them as you rise. Cause this is all about conscious awareness and raising that conscious vibration and awareness. Then the vibe I got, no, I want you to do this. And that's why we, we dropped back. It's like the paradigm pulls us back in again. You know? So did that explain what paradigms are? Cause I think I went off on one.

Speaker 3:

So really you're saying when those things come up likes to change your habits. So let's say it is eating too much or cake every night. Do you just do, you have to just stop yourself in the moment and then really like, is there exact steps there? Because people do have those, those dialogues going on. Do they say stop?

Speaker 4:

It's visioning. It is absolutely 100% change yourself image and have a vision of what it is that you want and take the time to do that. People think this is is nonsense. And here's the thing. Einstein even said that imagination is more powerful than knowledge. We know how to lose weight. Okay? But we have as a self image though of something that's a smaller person inside ourselves and this grand version of this person, we want to come. Now here's the thing, you know, don't just do this to lose weight vision, your life, your life vision. So it's not just aabout the weight because what you focus on grows. So if you focus on losing weight, well guess what? The universe likes t he void and it likes to replace what it's lost. It's about releasing w eight and it's about becoming the best version of yourself. So I would never tell my clients to just focus on weight. I go, what is your vision? What do you want to look like? How do you want to be? What does your, you know, how much money are you making? What high? So you live in it and I literally wears them to do, there's what Bob calls is a C type goal, a goal that you have no clue, high to reach. Like one of my friends asked me if I came back from a more or less like a months cruise over my 50th birthday and I came back the same way and never gone. My goodness, I thought you were going to be like twice the size. How did you do it? And I said, well, I stuck to a routine that I always do. So I always exercise. I always move out. I always make sure I do that. But I thought healthy thoughts and I decided what wit I wanted to be. At the end of the cruise, I made a decision I want to be this weight, and so anytime I was eating anything that was deemed naughty, then I would just go, it's okay. I'm 53 kilos. It's okay. I'm 52 kilos and that's what I did and I never weighed myself once, but I was still fitting in exactly the same clothes. I have no clue what weird I am, Moira. I just make it up. I didn't have a number in my head and that's the number I am and I know that I still fit into my same clothes that whenever I was that way, that's the way I am. Because one of the things is that in the Bible, you know healing. It's saying about that. If you look back to check, it means you don't trust. So we're constantly checking figures, aren't we? Did I get that? Oh no, no, I didn't make it. And then you fail. Then you beat yourself up. Oh no. I have a number in my head and I just keep with that number. So it's about setting the goal. It's about changing your life. It's about changing your lifestyle. It's never just about losing weight. It's a fight. How confident do you feel? What do you want to feel like? Who's the person you want to become? You know, there's always a lot more issues around it than just the weight. So don't just ever concentrate on one thing. This is about your life and about how you want to feel about yourself no matter what, where you are.

Speaker 3:

Yes. I've had that experience too. I was a speaker with my husband on a cruise ship for a month and I came back lower and weight because you're exercising. And for me it was the story around, you know, shopping dishes, making beds where I didn't have to do any of that. So I had no stress at all. I want to tie this into two areas. One of them is this be do, have and give more. It's a philosophy I also share. Can you talk about that more with the law of attraction and how you manifest what you want?

Speaker 4:

Yeah. So when we all know about the law of attraction, we've heard about that. But it's a secondary law. The law is the law of vibration. And so as that's why we, we talk about a, B and C type goals. So your a type goal is something that, you know, so I've had a white Mercedes before, so, and I'm looking to get another one. So that's why they take gold cause I've already done it before. So that's no growth is it? So the next type of goal would be a B type goal of where we stretch ourselves, but we figured out hallway there how stretched to this B type goal. That's not inspiring. Logic is not inspiring, you know? So that's why people don't hit it because they're not inspired. They figured their way out to do that is not growth. Steve jobs says, is that you can only connect the dots going backwards. You cannot connect them going forward. If you're connecting them going forward, you're not growing, you're not changing anything. So what we want is a C type goal. So, you know, whenever I get people on a call, so I do, you know, like 20 minute discovery calls and you know, the people say, they say leave with a big smile on their face. I haven't given them anything. I help them draw the wisdom from outside, from inside of them. And I go, what would you do if you had, you know, your annual salary amid at your monthly, what would that look like? And then immediately they smile and I go, great, what would you do with that? You know, where would you go? What house do you live in? What would you spend it on and raise there and be that way and get them to think of all these ideas and they're smiling and like, all right, forget about the money. How are you feeling right now? Fine. What is that vibration that you have got right now? Oh my goodness. It feels light. It feels energetic. It's, it's wonderful. I'm like, that's what you're looking for. Not the external things, not the money. Stop chasing money. Stop chasing demands. Stop just in the highs. It's the feelings that you actually want to have. That's what you're looking for. That is the being you want to be. Okay. So before then you want to do something or before you have something, you need to be something. And so you raise your vibration. That's the work, Moira. That is the whole secret of the lot, you know. So I asked my clients like I am on Tuesday night on a call. Well you know, here's an exercise for you. You know, what does it feel like to be in your C type goal? Just spend 30 seconds and so that, what does it feel like? So off they went and they, you could see them smiling and they're feeling really great. I said, okay, wonderful. What do you feel like now? And then you see their energy changing and then all of a sudden doing something different. Yeah. And I went, boom, that's the problem. You're not in your C type goal no matter what because you look at reality and you go, but I haven't got it Sheena. I didn't say anything about reality. It's about the vibration on how you're feeling. And you have to match the vibration of what it is that you want. So if you want it to call me, you need my phone number, you need my frequency to get to talk directly to me. But everything you want is on a frequency. We never, we think that we're being interrupted by the universe. I mean, my goodness, that person just sent me a message asking me to join their business or, or that's a marketing thing or or whatever, you know, just take a look at it because you never know what it's actually going to take you because you actually have been asking for stuff. You cannot bring into something that's not in your awareness without you calling it in. You are on a vibrational match. You've been asking for something. So say for example that you know the, the virus is going on at the minute and I'm, you know, totally compassionate about, you know, what people are actually going through. But a lot of people have been asking to leave, I hate my job, I don't like this. I don't like that. And look, all of a sudden, maybe they don't have a job. And it's to always ask ourselves, well, have I been asking for this? Could this be something that will help me? And I mean my absolutely wonderful tons of this was somebody asked me, you know, can I do an article about you? And I'm like, Oh, I'm not really sure, but I'll, I'll, I'll jump on anybody. How the chat with them didn't really do anything with it. But, but he's, he's lovely. He's lovely. Kept in contact with them. Anyway, through that initial conversation, I ended up, now being on the, I'm on cast credits for the new movie. Thoughts become things. No, I don't, I won't go through the whole journey, but there, but that's where magic happened. I didn't, so that's why I'm asked people, you know, to look at your C type goal and actually asked the universe for more than you know how to get. Because if you do everything with logic, then you're only gonna get what you've always had. So you've gotta leave room for, I don't know how to achieve that. But that would be really fun. If I have it. Then the universe brings you magic. Absolute magic. So yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I also teach that in like you asked, don't keep asking. The universe has heard you cause the faith part. Um, no and believe, and then let go. Like let the universe bring it to you and magically, you know, the universe lines everything out for us.

Speaker 4:

It's the, it's the praying without ceasing. That's what it means in the Bible. Praying without ceasing. And it's literally about the giving. Thanks all day long. So say you know, you're in Hawaii. I know you always wanted to be in Hawaii. You wouldn't be there going, Oh, please bring me to Hawaii. I am in Hawaii. You would be walking around and going, thank you so much. This is an amazing place. I love being here. You see the difference one is still asking. You don't even need to ask because remember the story about the prodigal son as he turned right, and he didn't even get to his father's door before his father was gifting him with all the gifts you have been given the gift. Anyway, you just have to accept it, acknowledge it, accept it, and realize it's already there for you. So what is it? I know there's some words about, you know, I know what you want before you even ask because it's already been given to you. So walk around going, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I mean, imagine just spending all day in gratitude. It just for no reason, gratitude for no reason whatsoever. Honestly, more magic happens then as well.

Speaker 3:

I agree. You mentioned both the Corona virus right now and people, a lot of people are experienced that fear, the panic, depression, anxiety, loneliness can give just a couple of, you know, how tidbits of how people can really shift out of that. Again, their negative patterns and move into positive patterns of happiness and gratitude. Like you're saying, and peacefulness and connectedness. How can I do that on a dime?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, well, well, meditating all day, you know, all day, you know, meditation, you know what I mean? How many times do people meditate or do they just keep busy? Um, you know, it's, it's accepting is the whole thing. First of all, acceptance. Because if we don't accept where we are, that's forced that we have isn't it? It's true builds up by not accepting where you are. That is exhausting and that is absolutely painful. You know, the first thing that, because I was in a very dark place for about 18 months and you know, getting out of bed every morning, I just stuck to a routine and I would make a decision that today was going to be better than yesterday and that there was nothing gonna stop me from just being better and feeling better. But I felt like I had the weight of the world. I felt like I was, um, I wasn't a good enough mother. I wasn't a good enough girlfriend. I wasn't a good enough daughter. Um, I literally woke up feeling like a failure every single day and you know, you just, I just have to keep going on. I stuck to a routine and I just kept having a vision of where it was I was going and gratitude was what I did. So what we're doing now as a group of PGI consultants is where actually doing instead of a gratitude of 10 things, you know, for the next month we're doing a gratitude of 50 things every single day because your creativity starts to kick in at 20 you know, you start running out of things, but then you have to start getting creative. Well, you know, if anybody's just even going to make a cup of tea, you know, you didn't have to go and get the water and then filter it. You didn't have to go and make the flask. You didn't have to grow the teabag. You didn't have to make the cup. I mean, think of all the people that were involved in you making a cup of tea and you're miserable about it. That's where I was getting to was just to literally look at every single thing and there's another thing more. But when you stop and you listen to your breathing, who's breathing you? You are life itself. There was something good in this. There is something good in everything. But what are you looking at? So our conversation before was about the law of polarity. You know, if you keep looking at the negative, then the negative will grow. And yes, it's, it is about turning the corner, but you can do it a little bit at a time on just literally go today, I'm just going to be a little bit better. How can I, how can this be better? Oh, Michael Beckwith does that. He's so funny with that. He says, so it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad. If you're having a bad day, you go high. Can this get better? Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Asking really good questions. That's what it comes down to.

Speaker 4:

Then yeah, that's it. And if you're having a good day, still go, how can this get better? It works both ways. So it doesn't matter if you're thinking, what I always ask that when I'm in a bad place. No, I ask it when I'm in a good place as well. Howcan this get better and there's a starting point, but it's, it's doing the same thing. Creating good habits for yourself every single day. I promise you, you will pull yourself out of it. Because I did and, but there's only you who's going to do it. Nobody else can do this for you. You've got to do it yourself.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for sharing your personal story because a lot of people who are listening to this call might think like people like yourself or me who have studied this for many years and we incorporate in our life. It doesn't mean that we don't come up to huge walls, huge obstacles and problems in our own lives. So thank you for sharing that. So I want to ask you, Sheena, what is the certain way

Speaker 4:

It's the laws, the laws of the universe and what is the first one that Bob said this weekend? He's like the law of all laws and it's two ways. However anybody wants to take it. His energy is, or God is. That is the law of all laws, which means, what did I say before? It just is. So that's the first law. The next law, it would be like the um, cause and effect. That is really the next law. Dying. You are the cause of everything that happens in your life. And so whenever you literally look at absolutely everything in your life and you can step back from it and understand that you are having an effect on something. So you're the essential on the outside world is the incidental. But what do we tend to do Moira? We make ourselves the incidental and the outside world, the essential, don't we? You know and so these laws are there. The show is just going like if you think in this way you will get it. So hot thoughts become things. Yeah. So that is, that is law. What do you think about you bring a bite and so whenever you can look at all the laws of say we've got the law of cause and effect, we've got the law of vibration. We've spoken about that. We've spoken about the law of polarity to know that if there's a negative, there's always a positive. Which one are you looking at? Cause you will get that. It is law. There's a law of relativity. So when you think that something is big or small or that I am me Moira because I'm looking at you. So I'm not, here's the thing, what is it? I'm not who I am. I'm not who I think I am. I am not the me. You think I am. I am the knee. I think you think I am. In other words, we're given the universe and absolutely different message every time we're there because we become the incidental to life rather than the, and be essential to my own life. This other law was the transmutation of energy and that's basically things are always moving out of form and into form to form it into form. We come into this world, we leave this world and things, you know, trees grow, trees, trees die. You know that that's always happening. Um, give me another one. I'm trying to, I should've written them all down.

Speaker 3:

That's okay. I also like with that when the flow and ease of allowing things to come into her life and exit her life, that could be people that could be circumstances, you know, that flow and the ease just like us breathing or the ocean. I put myself in that state and I really enjoy that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. So pay attention to the laws that is the certain way. Pay attention to the laws and live by the laws you want. Good things to happen in your life. Then you must think good thoughts and be on the vibration of those thoughts. If you think bad thoughts, you will by law bring bad things. Now, how many times more to do people go whenever something's really good happened and they go, I did that, I did that. You know, look at me, aren't I wonderful? But then whenever something bad happens, they go, Oh, it's their fault. It's the universe's fault. It's Scott's fault. It's my friend's fault. It's never their fault. What's the common denominator of all your problems in life? Yes, it's yourself. You're, you're the one that's Sarah never instance. It's taking, it's taking ownership and observing, but not blaming yourself. It's just being responsible and commitment and commitment to your life because you are the director of your life. And I talked to people about the stories that would be crate and you know, you can choose, you know, the setting. Is it a drama? Is it a comedy? Is it, you know, a documentary and the lighting and who you want there and who you don't want.


There being 100% responsible is so free. And at first you go, Oh my goodness, like that's really scary. But then when you realize that you are, it is actually the most freeing thing in the world to be a hundred percent responsible. Got nobody else to blame. Not just myself, but that's the thing more that I did for that was those 18 months where we moved from, you know, conscious incompetence to, whenever I started doing this work with Bob, I became very aware of what I'd done wrong. But what I thought was done wrong, I didn't do anything wrong, but I started to blame myself. I was like consciously and competent as far as I was aware. I had all these qualifications, all the ease, what's than I'd ever done before. And yet I lost everything. So I literally did beat myself up and that's not what it's for, is to go to recognize the growth on what it was there for.

Speaker 4:

Because what it did was bring me back to me. I had to be stripped and I, nobody else has to do this. But for some reason she didn't have to be stripped of everything to realize that I was everything, that I am God's highest form of creation, that I, you know, I am perfect. My DNA is perfect. So if I knew it in my heart, then when I'm talking to other people and coaching other people, they will know it too. And that's my absolute passion that everybody gets to know that, that you are perfect as you and there's no, you're just right being you in your universe, but you may not be right for somebody else and they may not be right for you because we're all seeking our own alignment. So Moira was alignment is completely different from Sheena's alignment, but yet we condensed together. But there's other people we know we may not be able to dance together with. And that's okay.

Speaker 3:

And I think one of the things too that I love, I don't know who stated it, but it's like what other people think of you. It's none of your business. It's what you think of yourself.

Speaker 4:

One of the things I realized more over the, um, it was actually last night, and Bob says this all the time, this is why repetition is so key to change in paradigms, is it? So I listened to Bob every single day when he said that, you know, the, the mind, the body is an instrument of the mind. And I was thinking about, you know, hybrid or vibrational, we're literally vibrational beings. We are energy beings and we're actually playing a tune but we can't hear it. So the whole universe is playing a chain and we've got our own chain. And so it suddenly dawned on me, you know, well, what should I do? You want to play? We don't want it to be high pitched all the time because that's exhausting as well. We want to have a lovely rhythm. That's it. There you go. Love rhythm. We wanted a lovely rhythm to be in our music. So we go up and dine and it's absolutely beautiful. But sometimes we play it low, too much low, but too much high. And that's not nice either. So yes about finding the low or the rhythm. Now what does the musician do when they play their music? When an artist plays their music, they play from their heart. They don't play to make other people happy. They know what they're doing, makes them happy and of course then it's going to make other people happy. So if we can do that, we can use our body as an instrument and play our tune that makes us happy. Then other people will pick up the happy messages. Like how awesome is that? That just blew me away when finally the penny clicked and I'd heard it so many times and I'm like, yeah I like him, talked about it more but I really got it that I'm playing a tune and I my tune, if it's in alignment with me then other people will hear beautiful music. But if I am not in alignment with me, my notes are going to be playing. Now I used to play the violin and that's not a happy sound. So, um, you know I didn't practice very well so it wasn't a very good sound cause I wasn't in tune with the violin. My mum wanted me to play the violin but I didn't want to. So my noises that came from that violin were not very good. What tunes? What music are you playing at every single time? Are you playing?

Speaker 3:

That's beautiful Sheena. Sheena I have a lot of people that come to me and I'm sure they do for you also that they want to discover their life purpose. They don't know what it is. They feel like they're missing out or they're on the wrong track or you know, Oh no, I'm this age now and I haven't been living my life purpose. What advice would you give to our listeners regarding that?

Speaker 4:

What makes you happy and you know, what makes us happy is helping others. And you know what? We've all been through this in our lives. We've hurt, then we've healed, then we go help. But that was beautiful words given to me by Sabrina and another girl. That I interviewed if you have a look at my Facebook page, you'll see her on there and she said that she said, hurt, we heal, we help go help somebody. You're here to serve. We're all to serve and to be happy and be happy. Is your purpose just be happy? So what makes you happy? And people say, well, I haven't got time to follow my passion, but you know, like we only work eight hours a day or whatever it is. There's so much time to do your passion. Whatever it is, follow it, do it. You know, we're here to be happy and then you're happy. you walk into a room, being happy. You lift the spirit of everybody. You know, there's a book called par versus force, and I can't remember the author, but par versus force and it did. And studies on, you know, people's vibrations and so on words and on activities and cetera, et cetera. And whenever you're in a very low vibration, thank goodness you're not actually affecting that many people, you tend to only be, if you're really low vibration, you are only affecting the people around you. But because we're still passionate about our own down feeling, you know our subconscious thinks we want that. So it gives us more of it. But here's the thing, if you can raise your vibration and you get up to like I remember, you know like there's a way of measuring. I get up to like 600 out of a thousand it's just like apparently at that 600 I can't remember the measurement. You'd have to read the book yourself. I was affecting 10 million people sitting in my house like how amazing is that and it's not that it's the butterfly effect that I was sitting here feeling so good that that vibration was being sent out to the whole universe. Wow. Like that blows me away. So that's what you're here for. Be happy and you will make other people happy. What other purpose is there? Nobody needs help. We're all here living our story. Whatever story it is and people are running out that story. But if you feel compelled to go and do something like do some charity work, don't do it because you think you're helping them do it for the pure joy of it. Because we get a helper's high that just makes us feel even better. Go white there with, you know, absolute joy in our, in our hearts and go, just go serve. Honestly, try it. If you feel down, that's what we're always told. If you feel down go find somebody to help. Go find somebody to coach because tell you what the changes your vibration. Just like that

Speaker 3:

perfectly. I, I share the same message. Sheena, can you share with our listeners today that the gifts, you have several gifts that you'd like to give them and for everyone listening, all those links will be below this episode.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. So I know that there's a, there's a book there from Bob Proctor, so it's, um, well ha.

Speaker 3:

I've got three books just going into my head thinking grow rich book by Bob.


Yeah. It's um, um, you were born rich. There you go. That's actually Bob's book. So, um, yes, that's basically you just click on it and that's the PDF file. So how awesome is that? You can actually read that book for free. The other thing that Bob has given me, which is an absolute gem, we've talked about paradigm shifts, haven't we? And one of the things that actually people are doing at the minute more is did you know that most searched for thing at the moment for Google is how to work at home. Now, whole paradigm shift needs to go on there because here's the thing, if you're used to working for in a job, you're used to being controlled. When you want to work for yourself, no matter whether it's in network marketing or you start your own business, it doesn't matter what it is, you are not actually, you're the one who's in control.

Speaker 4:

You have to control you. That is a paradigm shift in itself. And that's why people don't do it because they're scared. It's scared of the insecurity. Scared of actually when you get up in the morning, know that you're the one keeping you clock in and clock tonight. That is the paradigm shift. So if anybody here is thinking of doing a home based business, this is absolutely, or whatever it is that you want to do anyway, you know, have a great relationship or, or whatever the paradigm shift is, what it is that you need to do. Cause we know how to do it but we're not doing it. So Bob has asked, said that I can actually give this to you so it's worth$147 and it is the replay of the most recent paradigm shift weekend that Bob did. And let me tell you, it was awesome. So that is yours for absolute free. Click away on that link and absolutely enjoy that. I can't remember what was the third thing.

Speaker 3:

That's wonderful. And, and, one thing people are, I think realizing, I always say people to ask in every moment and challenge that there's a gift in that moment and to ask what is the gift? And for my clients, they, that blows them away because it changes their reframe of how their perception of how they're looking at stuff. And right now we are being given a huge gift and some people are saying this is being done to us. And as I said earlier, the universe is orchestrating everything for this. This is being done for us because we won't go back and this is going to be a better world for all of us in one that, you know, one of my messages on this show is about together we can raise our consciousness for the greater good of humanity and the planet and we're having an opportunity to connect with people and realize that we really are all one and that we can be better and really access right now. So in that program, what is it that you really want right now? This is an opportunity with the time to figure out, maybe I don't want that anymore or maybe I don't need that. You know, needs versus wants. So such a gift in the moment. And thank you for that. People are really going to enjoy that as we are going through a paradigm shift in this very moment.

Speaker 4:

Oh yes, we are, aren't we?

Speaker 3:

Yes. Sheena, I want to thank you so much for sharing your wisdom from your heart and soul because I know it's coming very deep from your passion with your powerful message of it's the time now to flourish. So I want to say thank you. Namaste Sheena.

Speaker 4:

Thank you very much for having me on. Namaste Moira.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the heart soul wisdom podcast with Moira Sutton. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Please join our community@moirasutton.com and continue the discussion on our Facebook page. Create the life you love. You will be part of a global movement connecting with other heart-centered people who are consciously creating the life they love on their own terms. Together, we can raise our consciousness for the greater good of humanity and for our planet.

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