Girls Only Project

Sinalo Jafta

April 29, 2020 Girls Only Project Season 1 Episode 9

After the amazing result from the SA Women's cricket team at the recent Cricket World Cup it was great to chat to Sinalo Jafta.

Sinalo never let anyone tell her she can't do something and has always been determined to prove people who don't believe in her wrong!

I spoke to Sinalo about her journey through mental health and why she believes it is so important to make sure you are working on keeping mentally fit and strong.

Sinalo gives some great advice to the youth - so listen up if you are needing some inspiration!

Sinalo has some great aspirations for the future both in cricket and the working world and we can't wait to see where her journey takes her.

You can follow Sinalo and her journey here:
Instagram: @jaffie_10
Facebook: Sinalo Jafta
Twitter: @jafs22