Girls Only Project

Caitlin Rooskrantz

Girls Only Project

Caitlin is an SA and Olympic Gymnast having just competed in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Caitlin made history in that she was the first SA gymnast of colour to qualify for the Olympic Games. Her training partner Naveen Daries also later qualified for the Olympic Games, both of them paving the way for the future of Gymnastics in South Africa.

Caitlin struggled with quite a few injuries but this never stopped her form pursuing and reaching her dreams and goals!

We chat around what it has meant to her to be the first gymnast of colour to qualify for the games, mental health and the current unhealthy and abusive environment that can be seen inside of some gymnastic teams.

Please continue to follow and support Caitlin as her journey on the mat continues:
Instagram: @caitrooskrantz