Passion To Profession

004#: How to handle shadow side of success - Passion to Profession story of Mindset and Performance Coach Byron Morrison

March 22, 2020 Ash Rao Episode 4

What defines a successful CEO?

Power? Money? Freedom?  Fulfillment of purpose? Impact?

Yes, while all this does paint the picture of success, what we tend to ignore is success just like light does have its shadow side as well.

This shadow side or the dark side is the constant stress, overwhelming pressure, mental anxiety and everything that comes with being a CEO and running your own company.

This is where High Performance and Mindset Coach, Byron Morrison comes in to help CEOs manage the shadow side of success.

In this episode, we talk about

  • Byron Morrison ‘s back story and what inspired him to become a mindset and performance coach
  • How his dad’s cancer took him along the path of mindset, psychology, health and high performance, writing a best-selling book along the way.
  • Evolve CEO Program – his 90-day program designed for CEOs which aims to up level their brain power so they can work faster, think more clearly and erase stress – essentially helping CEOs to operate at their full potential and full capacity.
  • Fun Facts about Byron – which includes him being superhero nerd!

You can connect with Byron on