Passion To Profession

011#: Passion To Profession: Interpersonal Catalyst Garry Turner on Vulnerability and Change

May 21, 2020 Ash Rao/ Garry Turner Episode 11

This episode features interpersonal catalyst , Keynote and DisruptHR speaker -
Garry Turner , who is passionate about enabling connections, innovation, and growth in individuals and teams through a mix of workshops, thinking partnerships, keynote talks and live events.

Garry shares 

  • His years of following traditional path of success - striving for more money , higher job titles, better lifestyle etc 
  • His 'mid-life awakening' moment when everything felt hollow except genuine human connections
  • How he blended his passion for people/culture / organization development with his international sales experience to carve out a unique path for himself
  • How he balances fulltime corporate job and his passion
  • 'Change is an inside job' - His new book which sharing his life experiences along with 35 other leaders who have shared their experiences about how to deal with change

Garry's Best Tips covered during this conversation

  1. For Overcoming negativity : 'Sit in, Process your feelings and then let go' - become self aware 
  2. For dealing with change : 'Change is an inside job. Environment may be negative, but your reaction or response need not be negative '
  3. For converting Passion to Success: 'Do your best not to imitate others. Be Creative . Most important of all , know that you are enough' .

To learn more about Garry and his work, check out

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