Passion To Profession

014#: Passion To Profession: International TEDx Speaker Heather Younger on Leadership and Employee Loyalty

Ash Rao /Heather Younger Episode 14

This episode showcases International TEDx speaker , Best selling Author and Leadership Coach , Heather Younger

Heather shares her Passion to Profession Story with host Ash as they discuss what it takes to build high performance teams .

Episode covers

  • Heather Younger backstory
  • Transition from lawyer to leadership consultant , becoming an author and speaker 
  • Why Employee experience and loyalty is crucial for building high performance teams and 
  • Role of leadership in delivering best employee experience
  • Her classic work - "The 7 Intuitive Laws of Employee Loyalty" and her upcoming book "Art of Caring leadership"

Ash and Heather also talk about success habits, balancing career with life as a mom, success habits , importance of sleep and morning routine.

Connect with Heather >
Connect with Ash >

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