Dante's Divine Comedy

Dante Top 10 Spiritual Insights

Mark Vernon

We will learn a lot about Dante’s language, love, politics and humanism in 2021, the 700th anniversary of his death. But perhaps not so much about the spiritual insights he felt charged by heaven to communicate in his Divine Comedy.

My top 10 spiritual insights are:
10. Comedy transcends, not excludes tragedy
9. Morality gets you nowhere, insight leads everywhere
8. Descent and ascent are the same path
7. Life is not a hero’s journey but a lover’s journey
6. Light is intelligent
5. Intelligence is a kind of resonance
4. Unity is diverse, not singular
3. There is a Christianity beyond Christianity
2. Freedom is about saying yes to life, not choice
1. The greatest question to ask: who I am?

For more on Dante, including details of my forthcoming book - https://www.markvernon.com/dantes-divine-comedy