Lady Leadership - Careers and Business For Women

What are good principles for Leadership with Wendy Born.

Season 1 Episode 37

This week I caught up with Wendy Born - I loved this chat with Wendy about leadership. Wendy has recently written a book called Raising Leaders - using the principles of parenting at work to to become a great leaders and create great leaders. 

Wendy says that when you observe the behaviour of leaders you admire, you will see similarities between them and your own experiences as a child or parent. 

We started off the show with a quote from Wendy's book that talks about comparing yourself to who you were and not others! Such great advice.

We talked Wendy's 5 leadership principles of Love, Environment, Health, Language and Vision. 

This discussion is all about what good leadership looks like and creating connection with your team and what to do when you are struggling with this. 

We even talked about putting our children on performance plans!

About me: 

My name is Samantha McIntyre and after 30 years in business and technology - from starting out on the helpdesk to getting to and staying in the C suite, being on Executive boards and being a mother and entreprenuer!  I am passionate about helping women in their careers. 

What I have enjoyed the most in my roles is helping those around me succeed - particularly women!  

I have lead technology teams for some of the biggest businesses and brands in Australia and the world such as Tesco, Loreal, Coles, Woolworths and Sportsgirl.

So  if you're looking for someone who knows what it is like to be a women in business and technology plus being a mother and an entrepreneur then you've come to the right place.


LinkedIn: Samantha McIntyre 
Twitter: sjmcintyre1
Facebook: @Samantha McIntyre
Instagram: @sammijmac and @lady.leadership