Lady Leadership - Careers and Business For Women

How is your people stuff? What is the job of a leader with Zoe Routh.

Samantha McIntyre/Zoe Routh Season 1 Episode 45

This week on the Lady Leadership podcast I caught up with Zoe Routh. Zoe is a leadership expert and learnt how to be a leader running canoeing expeditions in the wilds of Ontario. Zoe signed up to work at a summer camp and a few years later she was leading 2 - 6 week trips canoeing the rivers in Ontario. 

Being thrown together with a group of people that you don't know plus being in the wilderness is a sure way to find out what kind of leader you are. Zoe learnt how to galvanise relationships, motivate a team and also how to have the hard conversations to allow you to get along and survive. 

Following this Zoe then spent time planting trees on a plantation and saw how the official leader did not bring the team together so she and others stepped up to do this. So she learnt how to be a leader when you don't necessary have the title. 

These experiences then lead Zoe to work for Outward bound in Australia then work with rural communities within corporate helping them create and lead teams more effectively. Seven years Zoe created here own business to help leaders with the people stuff. 

Zoe has written four books and her most recent one is called People stuff: Dealing with the tough stuff in leadership. 

In this chat, we talked about the behaviours of teams and how fear of loss can trigger the flight and fight behaviours that are primal to us and we go into primal mode and survival mechanisms. Zoe has mapped these behaviours to what can occur in the workplace. 

We talked about the decisions that leaders make and how to effectively communicate these and what happens when you don't communicate.  Plus what are you doing about the issues? What is your part to play? Are you heading into victim mode? Plus building tribe and team! 

You are going to love this! So insightful!

Have a listen and amp up your leadership! 

About me: 
 My name is Samantha McIntyre and after 30 years in business and technology - from starting out on the helpdesk to getting to and staying in the C suite, being on Executive boards and being a mother and entreprenuer!  I am passionate about helping women in their careers. 
 What I have enjoyed the most in my roles is helping those around me succeed - particularly women! 

I have lead technology teams for some of the biggest businesses and brands in Australia and the world such as Tesco, Loreal, Coles, Woolworths and Sportsgirl.
 So  if you're looking for someone who knows what it is like to be a women in business and technology plus being a mother and an entrepreneur then you've come to the right place.

LinkedIn: Samantha McIntyre 
Twitter: sjmcintyre1
Facebook: @Samantha McIntyre
Instagram: @sammijmac and @lady.leadership