Lady Leadership - Careers and Business For Women

How can you tell Magnetic stories with Gabrielle Dolan

Samantha McIntyre/ Gabrielle Dolan Season 1 Episode 52

This week on the Lady Leadership show I interviewed Gabrielle Dolan for the 2nd time. I loved catching up with Gabrielle again and this time we talked about Gabrielle’s 6th book - Magnetic stories. 

Gabrielle has definitely used her time in Covid well to come out with a new book! In this chat, we talk about what makes a ‘Magnetic story’ and how businesses can use these both with their customers and with their teams to share about their businesses and tell their story. We discussed how these stories are what get customers and teams to understand the ethos of a company and connect with a company on a deeper level, to understand where they have come from and what they have done. Gabrielle cautions that this, not a timeline - it is the why and what has formed a company.

When Gabrielle was writing the book she went on the hunt to discover the great stories behind many companies. She wanted to hear the great stories of how companies came into being. She discovered the incredible story behind Barbie and how Barbie came into being which blew her mind as she had not encouraged her daughters to have Barbies. She heard stories of restaurants and patrons that were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary at a particular restaurant.

We also talked about what it takes to write a book, how Gabrielle writes her books, and how the book is broken down. If you are wanting to learn how to tell powerful stories that connect then definitely check out Gabrielle’s work at

About me: My name is Samantha McIntyre and after 30 years in business and technology - from starting out on the helpdesk to the C suite, being on Executive boards, and being a mother and entrepreneur! I am passionate about helping women in their careers and business. What I have enjoyed the most in my roles is helping those around me succeed - particularly women!  I have lead technology teams for some of the biggest businesses and brands in Australia and the world such as Tesco, Loreal, Coles, Woolworths, and Sportsgirl. So if you're looking for someone who knows what it is like to be a woman in business and technology plus being a mother and an entrepreneur then you've come to the right place. Contact: Website: LinkedIn: Samantha McIntyre Twitter: sjmcintyre1 Facebook: @Samantha McIntyre Instagram: @sammijmac and @lady.leadership