Lady Leadership - Careers and Business For Women

How to stop Fear holding you back with Dr Amy Silver

April 13, 2021 Samantha McIntyre Season 1 Episode 57

Fear can hold you back from doing what you really desire! Fear can keep you small. 

This week on the show I caught up with Dr. Amy Silver to talk about all things fear. Fear protects us and warns us of danger but often it can get too loud. Dr. Amy Silver is a highly sought-after speaker and mentor in the area of fear and fear management. Amy is a psychotherapist and is experienced in many therapies, behavioral, cognitive, mindfulness-based stress to name a few. 

Amy has worked for many years works in the world of therapy and now works in business and works with people to move through their fears so it does not interrupt communication, collaboration, ability to change, and ability to create. Fear can eat our potential. 

Amy has written a book called ‘The Loudest Guest’, to help people move through their fears, achieve more, and get what they want. Amy correlates Fear to being a guest at a party and that she is not the only guest at the party and that there are other guests at the party that she can pay attention to. 

We talk about how fear keeps you safe and we discussed how we can have conversations with ourselves to gain control and to identify the trigger of fear. We want to be able to use the fear voice to our advantage. 

Fear can look like avoidance or reacting, for example not wanting to speak up in a meeting or have a courageous conversation or perhaps not make a deeper relationship because we don’t want to get hurt. Fear can also be attacking. 

If you are wanting to work on how you work with your fears when this is a great podcast to tune in to. 

About me: My name is Samantha McIntyre and after 30 years in business and technology - from starting out on the helpdesk to the C suite, being on Executive boards, and being a mother and entrepreneur! I am passionate about helping women in their careers and business. What I have enjoyed the most in my roles is helping those around me succeed - particularly women!  I have lead technology teams for some of the biggest businesses and brands in Australia and the world such as Tesco, Loreal, Coles, Woolworths, and Sportsgirl. So if you're looking for someone who knows what it is like to be a woman in business and technology plus being a mother and an entrepreneur then you've come to the right place. Contact: Website: LinkedIn: Samantha McIntyre Twitter: sjmcintyre1 Facebook: @Samantha McIntyre Instagram: @sammijmac and