Grassroots: The Minor Hockey Show

Howie Meeker - A Personal Tribute

November 14, 2020 Richard Bercuson

This podcast's first episode was an overview of what was going to be discussed in future shows. However, I used Howie Meeker and his book "Hockey Basics" as my introduction since I believed then, and now, that he was one of Canada's most important hockey teachers. During my earliest coaching days, I once had the good fortune to share an instructional session with him in Montreal. Some years ago, we reconnected, both of which I described in Episode 1. When Howie passed away on Nov. 8 at age 97, all I could think of was the magnitude of his influence on how hockey is taught, not to mention what I took from him. It seemed fitting then that I share with listeners some of what he wrote to me in 2006 as well as sound bites from the DVDs he sent me. Keep in mind he was 82 years old when he jumped on the ice with kids at his summer hockey school and recorded those sessions. Jeepers! Howie sure was somethin' else!

Richard -

Dean Holden: